Part 1 - The Monday After 8/30/2010 Part 2 - The Monday After 8/30/2010 Part 3 (the end) - The Monday After 8/30/2010 H/T An Ol’ Broad’s Ra...
DEMOCRATS: The Party of Racism and Class Warfare
Big Government Creating High Unemployment And Stagnant Wages.
by Michael E. Newton, The Path to Tyranny : Marketwatch reports Salaries and wages are rising, but not by much . Even that subdued headline ...
Where Would Iraq Be Today If We Had Listened To Democrats In 2007?
According to today’s New York Times , “For only the second time since he took office, President Obama will speak to the nation from the O...
If GOP Flinches on Marriage, Obama Wins
Ken Blackwell, Contributing Author and Ken Klukowski : Same-sex marriage is back as a front-burner issue in American politics. On August 4...
Countdown to Victory: 64 Days to 2010 Elections!
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : Restoring Honor Rally A Homerun! Kudos to Glenn Beck. His Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memoria...
Greenies Lament Bleak Prospects for Cap-and-Tax
Another Freedom Killing Bill The Washington Post writes today, “On Thursday, some of the country’s most respected environmental groups - ...
Samplings of Restoring Honor Videos - Enjoy
We appreciate those who made the following videos public. Enjoy! "Restoring Honor" Rally - Pledge of Allegiance and National Anth...
Restoring Honor in America Rally - Numbers Being Debated
Today, I attended the Restoring Honor in America and I find it amazing how the lame street media is reporting on the number of attendees. It...
Bob Weeks: At Americans for Prosperity, George Will Is Optimistic
Bill Smith, Editor: The following article on George Will's speech was written by one of the most committed investigative bloogers in Ka...
Herman Cain Answers Questions at Defending the American Dream 2010
Herman Cain visited with new media bloggers at the Americans For Prosperity Defending the American Dream 2010 Washington, D.C. Below are tw...
AFP Blogger of the Year 2010 Defending the American Dream
Dr. Bill Smith, editor: Today, officially kicked off the speeches and workshops at the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the Americ...
More Grim Economic News Underscores Obama Admins' Failed Policies
The Obama administration has spent much of the week touting their failed $862 billion stimulus bill, but there’s been little to celebrate in...
Unions, Marxist Groups Join Forces, Use Bailout Money for Get-Out-The-Vote Efforts
By Catherine Snow, CitizenLink: With a little more than two months to go before the Nov. 2 elections – and the stark reality that their d...
Obama Bestows New Rights
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : Earlier this week, I commented on the Obama Administration’s apologetic report to the U.N.’s Human Righ...
Weatherization Program Achieves only 10% of Goal
The Vice President Spends His Day Touting A Stimulus Program That Has Delivered Roughly 10% Of What He Promised “DRIVING THE V.P.’S DAY, Per...
AP's Reporting: "It's Starting To Feel Like Another Recession"
Karl Rove writes in his Wall Street Journal column today, “In what will rank as one of the all-time presidential PR disasters, we’re now w...
Unleash Your Secret Power This November . . . Here’s How!
by Elizabeth B. Letchworth: You have power that no one is telling you about. It works this way. Speaker Pelosi and Harry Reid are planning ...
McCain Stiff Arms Opponents and Goes Teleprompter
John McCain after successfully stiff arming his opponents in the Arizona GOP primary, left nothing to chance when claiming victory. He empl...
Max Baucus: ". . .You Want Me To Waste My Time To Read . . . The Health Care Bill"
ObamaCare / BaucusCare Since President Obama signed the Obama, Baucus, Reid, Lincoln, Pryor, et al , massive, unpopular health care overha...