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Monday, August 30, 2010

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Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Restoring Honor Rally A Homerun! Kudos to Glenn Beck. His Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial Saturday drew hundreds of thousands of Americans. They honored U.S. troops and called on our country to turn back to God. The crowd, which came to D.C. from all over the country, was patriotic, faith-based and deeply concerned about the direction of America.

The rally had many highlights, but one of the most moving occurred when Beck told the story of John Newton, the British slave trader. On a voyage in 1748, Newton, in the middle of a storm at sea, converted to Christianity. He came to realize the evil of slavery and eventually wrote the famous hymn “Amazing Grace.” After the story was recounted, bagpipes began to play and hundreds of thousands of people began to sing the words, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear, and Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear the hour I first believed.”

I have no doubt that Martin Luther King would have felt right at home there at the Lincoln Memorial. His whole civil rights message was based on his conviction that our rights come from God and that they flow to us regardless of the color of our skin.

But today’s leftwing elites continue to see the crowd this weekend on the mall as a bunch of haters, racists and fascists. Media coverage tried to downplay the number of attendees. Columnists at the Washington Post this morning attacked the gathering and accused those who attended of wanting to take America back to the days of lynchings and Jim Crow laws. Bill Press, a liberal TV commentator, even suggested that it was inappropriate to talk about God at the Lincoln Memorial. Apparently Press is ignorant of the fact that Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, a powerful plea to God, is inscribed inside the Memorial.

President Obama told NBC’s Brian Williams that he did not watch the rally but that he wasn’t surprised that Glenn Beck can “stir-up” people. Sadly, the president is clueless about what is moving in the hearts of millions of Americans. They are not being “stirred up” by Glenn Beck. Rather, what is stirring is a spontaneous rebirth of family, faith and freedom.

Beyond The Pale The Left has always had trouble arguing against conservatives positions on their merits. That’s why liberals resort to scurrilous attacks so often and so quickly. And when a particularly effective conservative spokesman appears, they will stop at nothing to bring him or her down.

When Sarah Palin burst onto the political scene in 2008 as Senator John McCain’s running mate, the Left was so stunned by her popularity and charisma that it groped at anything it could to try and destroy her image. Some liberals stooped so low as to mock Trig Palin, Sarah’s youngest son, who has Down syndrome. And at least one “respected” D.C. journalist repeatedly claimed that Trig was in fact Sarah’s grandson and that they faked the pregnancy for political gain.

Given all this, it is not surprising what one liberal writer is doing to Glenn Beck. Beau Friedlander, a contributing writer at the Huffington Post offered a large sum of money for a non-existent sex tape of Beck. In his column today Friedlander wrote, “I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever.” Though the Huffington Post, which is the Left’s most influential blog, deleted Friedlander’s post after conservative outrage, conservatives should brace themselves for more of these sorts of attacks as Election Day approaches.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. He submitted the above in an email to the ARRA News Service Editor. Bauer was a former Republican presidential candidate and served as President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser.

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