Breaking News
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Info Post
by RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Contributing Author: President Obama and Senator Lincoln have left Arkansas behind as they’ve worked together to ram through their liberal agenda. Arkansas’ economy has been directly and negatively affected by the Obama-Lincoln big-spending, big-government policies, and Arkansas voters should take notice. Watch our new web video on this topic!.

On Election Day, Arkansans will have the opportunity to voice their disapproval of the President and Sen. Lincoln’s failed economic policies that have only led to unemployment, higher taxes, and a rising national debt.

Let’s review some of the facts.
  • Jobs Lost. Since the Obama-Lincoln failed $862 billion stimulus was passed, Arkansas has lost over 12,600 jobs.
  • Tax Hikes. If President Obama’s tax hikes go into effect, the average middle-income Arkansas family will see their taxes rise by $1,418.
  • ObamaCare. The individual mandate that is in the Obama-Lincoln government takeover of health care bill will hit nearly 4 million middle class Americans who would have to pay the government-enforced fine. And the President plans to pay for ObamaCare with $570 billion in taxes that will once again hit small businesses and lead to more jobs lost.
President Obama and his sidekick in the Senate, Blanche Lincoln, have pursued a far-left policy course that has proven to be detrimental to Arkansas. The Obama-Lincoln economy has hurt the middle class by killing jobs and raising taxes, while spending and borrowing our nation into insurmountable debt. Let’s turn the tide this fall, and stop President Obama and Senator Lincoln from doing even more damage to Arkansas and our nation as a whole.
Michael Steele is Chairman, National Republican Committee. He was previously a Fox News political commentator and former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland.

Tags: Arkansas, US Senate, Blanche Lincoln, Barack Obama, Michael Steele, RNC, politics, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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