Breaking News
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Info Post
Today, I attended the Restoring Honor in America and I find it amazing how the lame street media is reporting on the number of attendees. It seems to be a trend for the old line press to deflate any numbers associated in any way with conservative or faith based events held in Washington, D.C. It is as if they believe that by deflating the size of the numbers both the subject and the supporters will cease to exist.
  • The Washington Post reports: "Beck, Palin tell thousands to 'restore America."
  • ABC reports: "Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally Draws Thousands." - "the rally has attracted more than 100,000 people."
Both the rally arrangers and those that attended know that the space reserved for the event if filled (which it was) would be 500,000 300,000 attendees. However the number of attendees far exceeded the space planned for the event and some are estimating the crowd as over 700,000. Take a look at the following photo taken by the BBC (yes the BBC; not NBC). What is your opinion on the number of attendees?

Tags: Restoring Honor, America, rally, BBC, Washington D.C., To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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