Breaking News
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Info Post
It should come as no surprise to Arkansas voters that Sen. Blanche Lincoln has once again sold out Arkansans and fallen lock-in-step with President Obama. After supporting his failed $862 billion stimulus and casting the deciding vote on ObamaCare, Sen. Lincoln has now decided to be another “yes” vote for the President’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Interestingly, she made her decision known to Politico late last night…is she trying to sneak something by Arkansas voters?

Arkansans deserve better than a champion of the liberal, big-spending agenda of the Obama Administration and Blanche Lincoln's plantation politics of ignoring her constituents and going with the Big Government liberal agenda.

Among other negative issues regarding Lincoln, she now is willing to place at risk the 2nd Amendment Rights which is important to over 80% of Arkansans regardless of political party. Does this matter to Senator Lincoln on her vote for Kagan. No! For more information on Elena Kagan and gun rights Kagan is a “Clear And Present Danger” To 2nd Amendment.

VP Joe Biden speaks at
fundraiser for Sen. Blanche Lincoln
Lincoln is desperate, she is behind in the polls and is scampering back to the only group from which she can hope to gain funding and support - the liberal progressives presently shepherded by Barack Obama and her best buddy, Joe Biden. The people of Arkansas rejected Barack Obama as president and they will reject Blanche Lincoln. Makes you wonder what promises have been negotiated. Lincoln again is evidencing her disdain for her constituents by voting for Elena Kagan who, if confirmed, will be an elitist progressive thorn in the side of the Republic for many years beyond the Obama Administration.

Below is more information on Lincoln's vote from The Tolbert Report - "Lincoln Will Vote To Confirm Kagan"
By Jason Tolbert: Sen. Lincoln lets Politico know last night that she has decided to vote in favor of Elena Kagan when the issue comes up tomorrow. Just a little over a week ago, Sen. Lincoln’s office told me that she was undecided on the issue and encouraged Arkansans to contact her with their opinion.

What changed her mind to persuade her to give Kagan the thumbs up? I have asked. I will let you know if I hear anything back. A more cynical person might say that she planned to vote for Kagan all along but I will wait and see what her office says was the compelling reason.

Lincoln’s opponent Rep. John Boozman made it clear about a month ago that he would not vote to confirm Kagan.

“I have some real concerns with regard to her experience. There is a real question about some of the comments that she made regarding the National Rifle Association, concerns about her action with regard to recruiting military,” explained Boozman. “What I would like to see on the court are people that are going to interpret the law as the people that wrote it intended. And it seems like there was a lot of squishyness in that case that perhaps that would not be the case.”

No word yet on how Sen. Mark Pryor will vote but odds are he will follow Lincoln’s lead.

Tags: Blanche Lincoln, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elena Kagan, SCOTUS, US Supreme Court, Tolbert Report To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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