Breaking News
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Info Post
A 30-second TV ad spot put out by American Life League features a cute bunny being plopped into a blender with the provocative tagline: “Imagine the government giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars every year to a company that does this . . .

Consider that recent polls show that more than half of all Americans believe that abortion is murder so why would our government consider funding the top abortion provider in America in the first place? Planned Parenthood committed over 332,000 abortions in 2009. It's time to stop tax-payer funding of America's largest abortion chain.

Facts about Planned Parenthood:
1) Planned Parenthood runs the largest abortion chain in the nation. According to its annual reports, Planned Parenthood has ended each fiscal year since 1987 with a profit. In 2009, its profit was $63.4 million. That same year, it reported receiving $363.2 million from government grants and programs.

2) Planned Parenthood's business model is, indeed, abortion-centered—though it claims abortion is only 3 percent of its business. In reality, abortion generates 40.6 percent of Planned Parenthood's clinic income. According to Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who became pro-life, the organization imposes abortion quotas on its clinics. Furthermore, over the next two years, Planned Parenthood will require every affiliate to have at least one clinic that offers abortions.

3) Planned Parenthood employees have been caught repeatedly on video encouraging young people and their abusers to withhold information about their age and the age of their sexual partners so that it’s possible to avoid the mandatory reporting to law enforcement. Recently, Planned Parenthood staff members were caught on video collaborating with self-identified sex traffickers of young girls and coaching them on ways to profit off of these girls in the weeks following an abortion.

4) Planned Parenthood has been given billions in tax dollars, yet it lacks accountability for this money. A report from the Government Accountability Office gleaned from Planned Parenthood's Single Audit Act reports show that Planned Parenthood failed to account for $1.3 billion dollars in government funding received between the years 2002-2008.

5) Planned Parenthood has been charged with overbilling the government for Medicaid reimbursements in New Jersey, California, New York and Washington.

An organization capable of such atrocities and illegal activities should never receive funding from the government. It is imperative that you contact your Senators to tell them you will be watching their votes this week.

Tags: abortion, planned parenthood, taxes, tax funded, stop funding planned parenthood To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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