Breaking News
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Info Post

Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee: Democrats and their Big Labor Union Bosses have been subverting the democratic process, intimidating taxpayers and walking out on the job in order to secure generous taxpayer-funded benefits for themselves at a time when everyone else is cutting back.

Classrooms have been left empty and Democrat lawmakers in Wisconsin and Indiana are literally running away from their responsibilities -- fleeing their states instead of making the tough choices required to move our country forward. Enough is enough . Now is the time to stop Barack Obama's Union Bosses and to show your support for Republicans who are standing up for the taxpayers and middle class families.

It's no secret Barack Obama and his Democrat allies are in the pocket of the Union Bosses who work to secure special benefits at the expense of taxpayers:
- In 2008, Unions spent over $400 million to elect Obama and other Democrats.
- In 2010, Unions spent $280 million to elect Democrats nationwide.
- In 2010, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) alone spent $87.5 million to help elect Democrats. The head of AFSCME's political operations, Larry Scanlon, said at the time, "We're the big dog."

These Union Bosses have sent thousands of out-of-state union jack booted thugs into Wisconsin and Indiana to try and intimidate lawmakers and thwart the will of the people. Right now, Barack Obama is busy readying the nation's first billion dollar presidential campaign. The left-wing Union leadership will once again be right behind him -- lining his pockets every step of the way.

As the only Republican organization permitted by law to provide direct financial support to our next Republican presidential nominee, the RNC must lay the early foundation now for defeating President Obama and his well-funded army of entrenched liberal special interests in 2012.

Help Republicans fight back against the Obama Democrats and their Big Labor Union Bosses.

Tags: Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee, RNC, Union Bosses, Barack Obama, video, unions, democrats, debt, deficit, WI, Scott Walker, NJ, Chris Christie, government unions, public unions, strike To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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