Breaking News
Friday, June 17, 2011

Info Post
Taking on the powerful Green movement is no small task. The Environmentalists are well-funded, have power and influence with the current Administration and their supporters can be fanatical when it comes to their opposition to harvesting the abundant resources within the United States.

While we all want pristine landscapes, plush forests and clean, clear streams, we are also seeing that the increasing costs of gas, oil and electricity is breaking the back of the middle class. We all understand the need to be responsible in the manner in which we retrieve the natural resources that we have in abundance in the United States, understanding that our modern life-style requires the use of those resources if we are to survive. We can have the use of those resources without damaging our beautiful Earth!

Unfortunately, we are being prevented from harvesting these resources through the abuse of regulations by 'green' activists groups like 'Stop the Drill' and 'No Dirty Gold'.

Oddly, the environmental concerns and activism of these groups seems to stop at the borders of the United States while other countries are given funds by the United States to mine and drill as well as promises the minerals they retrieve from the Earth will be bought by the citizens of the United States. Example: Brazil and oil. The Environmentalists have by-passed any semblance of commonsense in order to promote their causes costing Americans jobs and prosperity.

Today, June 17, 2011, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, launched "Resourceful Earth" in Minneapolis at the RightOnline conference:
The Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment this week launched Resourceful Earth, a new project that will oppose political barriers to natural resource production. Resourceful Earth will take on campaigns by well-funded environmental pressure groups that abuse federal and state regulations and pursue endless lawsuits to block or hinder hardrock mines, coal mines, oil and gas drilling, timber production, farming, and ranching. CEI’s new grassroots activist website,, will educate and empower Americans to promote access to natural resources and oppose special interests that abuse the regulatory process to block new projects. The first two campaigns targeted by Resourceful Earth will be Earthworks’ No Dirty Gold, which opposes gold mining, and Oceana’s Stop the Drill, which opposes offshore oil.  . . . [Read More]
You can help by signing this petition and following "Resourceful Earth News" on Twitter and Facebook. Then share info as part of this grassroots movement to help put a stop to the abuse of government regulations that are killing jobs and leaving us dependent on foreign resources for our energy. Join and help restore American independence!

Tags: environmentalism, jobs, Competitive Enterprise Institute, CEI,American Independence, resources, earth, Resourceful Earth, U.S. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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