Rasmussen Reports: A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 75% of Likely U.S. Voters believe voters should be required to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote. Just 18% disagree and oppose such a requirement.
- 85% of Republicans support a photo ID requirement at the polls
- 77% Not affiliated support
- 63% of Democrats support
By a 48% to 29% margin, voters think that letting ineligible people vote is a bigger problem than preventing legitimate voters from casting a ballot.
72% of Republicans and 44% of voters not affiliated with either party believe that illegal voting is more prevalent.
In Arkansas, the people wanted action but politics interfered:
House Bill 1797, presented by by Arkansas State Rep. Bryan King, R-Green Forest in the 88th General Assembly, would have required Arkansans to present a voter ID card when casting a ballot at the polls. The measure passed the Arkansas House 53-36, but died in the Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs controlled by the Democrats. So the will of the people was shelved in committee without a vote.
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75% Say Show Photo ID At The Polls
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