As reported in prior post: The House Republican Study Committee shared that 103 House Republicans sent a letter [pdf copy of letter with signatures identified] to Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor calling for a "Cut, Cap, and Balance” response to the debt limit and the bigger debt crisis that’s just over the horizon. It’s a simple, three-part plan:
- Cut spending to slash the deficit in half next year (requiring about $380 billion in spending cuts according to CBO)
- Cap spending so it aligns with average revenues (ratcheting quickly down to 18% of GDP from current 24%).
- Send a strong Balanced Budget Amendment to the states for ratification (with high hurdle for tax hikes and 18% of GDP spending cap).
Tags: Cut Spending, Cap Spending, Balance the Budget, RSC, US House, Jim Jordan, Neil Cavuto, FoxNews, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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