Bankrupting America: As Washington continues to spend far beyond its means, uncertainty about the future of our economy is stifling the ability of businesses to plan for the future. When businesses owners are dealing with uncertainty, they’re less likely to invest and grow. This puts a strain on the job market.
Our new video takes a closer look at our jobs crisis and asks: what can Washington do to put Americans back to work?
Jobs and the Economy:
2011 College Graduates
“The class of 2011 will likely face the highest unemployment rate for college graduates…in history.” – The Economic Policy Institute
This spring, over 1.7 million college students[i] will graduate from four-year universities, bright eyed and ready to launch their careers. Has Washington prepared the job market to provide opportunity for so many young professionals to enter the workforce?
Class of 2011 and the Job Market
The Employment Situation
The Link: Uncertainty
The Employment Situation
In May, unemployment bounced to its highest level in 2011, at 9.1 percent.[ii]
Many Americans would argue the unemployment rate does not represent the job market they have encountered. While the Department of Labor reports 9.1 percent unemployment, Gallup rates underemployment, which takes into account people who have given up looking or taken part time work because they couldn’t find a job, at 19.1 percent.[iii]
Most Americans have felt the tight squeeze of a struggling economy, and college students are no exception. To put this into context: College student’s dads who graduated from college in the 1970’s encountered an average 6.1 percent[iv] unemployment rate… a stark difference from today’s college graduates.
The Link: Uncertainty
High government spending leaves businesses uncertain of future tax and interest rates, which leaves them more hesitant to invest in long-term projects that create jobs. Uncertainty over the future of the economy is keeping American businesses from recovery.
Washington needs to cut spending in order to foster an economy that is creating jobs for the Class of 2011.
[i] National Center for Education Statistics. May 31, 2011.
[ii] Bureau of Labor Statistics. June 3, 2011.
[iii] Gallup: No Improvement in Gallup’s Underemployment Rate in May. June 3, 2011.
[iv] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data. June 3, 2011.
Tags: Bankrupting America, Washington, D.C., job, job crisis, Jobs, Economy, 2011 College Graduates, job market, employment To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Video: Is Washington Creating Our Jobs Crisis?
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