Bill Smith, Editor: Yes, this is a second post in the last few days about Herman Cain. However, it is the first addressing his talk at RightOnline. Although I like several of the candidates, I am not formally endorsing any candidate. If I was not a new media blogger and was not looking foremost toward defeating Barack Hussein Obama in the next election, I would be working for a preferred candidate of my choice.
As in past elections, I will non-endorse - not support, some of the candidates seeking the Republican presidential nomination and the 3rd party suicide pacts promoted in reality by the left-wing.
In full-disclosure, I like and consider Herman Cain a fellow grassroots patriot conservative. While some people may find things on which to disagree, there is far more on which they may agree. Herman Cain and other conservative radio show hosts and speakers were advancing the conservative message long before most of today's vocal "conservative" critics were awakened by the destructive actions of the present progressive liberal administration. It has been most discouraging that many newly awakened conservatives have unwittingly believed or passed on false info promoted by liberal plants about "right minded" candidates without first either having heard personally the information or having contacted the candidate for clarification.
A prior post addressed the liberal CBS report on Herman Cain speaking at Republican Leadership Conference (RLC) in New Orleans. While CBS noted positive things, the past shows that the liberal media will build up a candidate they intend to later tear town. They did it to Sarah Palin and they will attempt to do so with Michele Backmann, Herman Cain and others.
Herman Cain, as did Michele Backmann and Tim Pawlenty (who both returned home to Minnesotan), flew in from RLC in New Orleans to speak at RO. As it was unknown if Cain would make to RO, he was not listed as a speaker and thus many of the attendees had already left for home before he spoke at the end of the conference.
Below is a video of Herman Cain's "talk" at RightOnline complements of the RightWing Housewife [YouTube] who blogs at Diary of an Angry Rightwing Housewife.
Herman Cain, "I can jump start the economy" if elected president" RightOnline 2011
Tags: Right Online, Herman Cain, the economy, video, Minneapolis, Minnesota, MN, 2011, Americans For Prosperity, 2012 Election, Republican candidate, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Herman Cain: RightOnline 2011 - "I Can Jump Start The Economy"
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