A.F."Tony" Branco : Tags: Attack Watch, Bill Clinton, Democratic Attack machine, Herman Cain, Sexual Harrassment, A.F. Branco, po...
Poll: Majority of Voters Oppose Govt Choosing and Funding Energy Companies
The Tarance Group conducted a poll for Heritage Action for America on issues surrounding federal subsidies to private companies. The result...
When Will The Senate Vote On House Tax Relief Bill?
President Obama And 405 House Members Support 3% Withholding Tax Relief; When Will Senate Dems Schedule A Vote? WHITE HOUSE: ‘Would Reduce...
Senate Dems' Choices . . .
. . . a Partisan Bill or a Bipartisan Bill backed by House GOP and the White House? Today in Washington, D.C. - Oct 31, 2010: The Senate rec...
SPOOKY: Ghouls, Goblins and Government Regulation
Halloween is here, and soon our doorsteps will be filled with ghosts and goblins looking for treats. by Eileen Goulding, U.S. Chamber : Hap...
Is Obamacare Constitutional?
How will the Supreme Court rule on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? by Curtis Coleman, Contributing ...
Perry’s Game-Changing Plan for Jobs and Growth
Dr. Bill Smith, Editor: This weekend, I joined Ken Blackwell and other fellow Republican Assemblies members at the NFRA Presidential Prefe...
Obama and Carter Planning For Halloween
A.F. Branco : The former wost =ever president, Jimmy Carter, realizes that he can now dress up as the worst ever president -- Barack Obama....
Proud Sponsors of Grizzly Fest 2011
Dr. Bill Smith, Ozark Guru: Yesterday, a historic online summit called Grizzly Fest was held in support of those who believe in the restor...
Comments by Candidates Attending The NFRA Preferential Convention
Two candidates, Ron Paul and Rick Santorium, attended the NFRA Preference Convention. Below are quotes from their speeches. Ron Paul: ...
NFRA Endorses Santorium in 2011 Preferential Convention
Bill Smith, Editor: At the National Federation of Republican Assemblies today, physical attendance by national presidential contenders ma...
Democracy Denied; Republic Lost
Bill Smith, Editor: Both Ralph Benko and I received advanced copies of Phil Kerpen's new book "Democracy Denied." We both co...
Simple Truth About Washington Regulations and Jobs
Do You Know How Many Hours it Takes to Comply with the Dodd-Frank Act? The Empire State Building took 7 million man hours to build. 225,000 ...
"We Can't Wait" -- Oh, Yes We Can!
Gary Bauer Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : I want to revisit Obama's "We Can't Wait" theme today. It is becoming more an...
Jobs Bills
Today in Washington, D.C. - Oct 28, 2010 The U.S. Senate is not in session this week' it is Senate constituent work week. When they retu...
Executive Disorders
by A.F. Branco : Tags: Executive Order, executive orders, Obama incompetence, Obama Spending, Obama's jobsspeech, Obamas Jobs tour, A.F...
On Obama's Student Loan Plan
Today in Washington, D.C. - Oct 27, 2010 The US Senate is not in session this week' it is Senate constituent work week. Yesterday,the Ho...
Meeks: My Thoughts on the Arkansas Highway Bond Issue
Rep. David Meeks, On The Right Side : On November 8th, the voters in Arkansas will have an opportunity to vote on reauthorizing the Highwa...