Bill Smith (Ozark Guru): Today, the ARRA News Service is posting late due to computer failures. For the past couple weeks, I have been posting via other computers as my primary computer suffered death at the hands of the prior virus attack from a website in Washington, D.C., and my personal abuse over the last decade. Then, my laptop's mother board fried. As it was under warranty, it was shipped off for repair.
I should have treated my main computer better. Over the past eleven years, it had suffered minor failures: a power supply and cd-player. Obviously, numerous key boards and mouse replacements had occured. And, I had crammed as much software as possible on to the computer. When it died, the Ozark Guru was just too attached to lay it to rest. Which in the Ozarks means using for it for target practice and putting the hard drive on an Earth Day brush pile. I was in a state of "stupid" mourning" over an inanimate machine which had a memory but no heart. Plus, have you noted the cost of computers lately? Obviously, a sign of an old man who doesn't want change!
Fortunately for me, Pat Booth, a friend and a Missouri blogger came to my rescue. Pat lives an hour and a half northwest of me. In the Ozark Mountains that makes for an interesting but beautiful drive.
Pat has a heart for Arkansas as he lived in and graduated from a high school in Eastern Arkansas and has family still in Arkansas. On Friday, on his way to his class reunion, we met for lunch. He asked about my computer situation and then offered that he and and a friend would look over the computer to see if they could repair it. Pat loves rebuilding things from computers, to motorcycles, to boats and planes. He is also a pilot and in his younger days flew "special missions" over the mountains and rivers of Laos during the Vietnam War. He then served a full career in the FAA as an Air Traffic Controller.
On Sunday, on his way home from his reunion, we met and I presented him with the remains of my computer. I didn't expect to hear from him for a week or so. However, he called me late on Monday and said they had fixed the computer. They had poured over the computer, cussed me for my failure to attend to the inner workings of the computer over the many years, and did some major surgery. Today, we met half way, and Pat returned my resurrected computer - fixed and operational. It has new "which-a-ma-call-its" and runs like a dream. It may even outlive its owner.
Thank you Pat! Be sure to check his writings and posts at The Blue Eye View.
Tags: Ozark Guru, computer, repair, Pat Booth, The Blue Eye View To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Computer Resurrected
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