Two candidates, Ron Paul and Rick Santorium, attended the NFRA Preference Convention. Below are quotes from their speeches.
Ron Paul:
"Our government, instead of protecting our privacy and protecting our Fourth Amendment rights." Paul said, "they protect the secrecy of government and they invade on your privacy."
"50,000 SWAT break-ins without proper search warrants"
"We way overreacted – over my objection – right after 9/11." "I see no benefit and no purpose – it undermines liberty – the fact that Congress passed and placed on us the Patriot Act. It should be repealed."
"I fear the erosion of our liberties and our economy here at home more than I do any foreign adversary."
"If we don't want to incite radical Islamists, we need to stop these un-needed wars. It is high time we came to our senses, brought our troops home to defend our country and pursued a Constitutional, Pro-American foreign policy."
We are falling in the footsteps of what the Soviets were doing, spreading our sails too thin. It's time for us to come home and mind our own business."
Rick Santorium:
"I wrote in 2005 that the institution of marriage and the family were at risk, far before anyone thought this was going to be an issue.:
"One of the key battles we have in this country is the battle with our courts."
"Gov. Romney issued those marriage licenses, ordered people to issue marriage licenses in contravention to the constitution and the statutes of Massachusetts. Here you have a situation where you have a choice, you have a choice between the constitution and the will of the people or the rogue actions of a handful of justices, and Mitt Romney chose the rogue justices."
take back the Republican Party for the vast and disenfranchised majority of its members: Reagan conservatives, who believe in small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life and a decent America."
There is no one doing more harm in Iraq and Afghanistan than the Iranians," We're going to see that this withdrawal was, in more respects than not, a surrender to a growing power in the Middle East."
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