Breaking News
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Info Post
ARRA News Service reported yesterday:
President Obama's $447 Billion Job's Plan was defeated tonight in the Senate (50-49) falling 10 votes short. Democratic Sens. Ben Nelson (NE) and Jon Tester (MT) joined all the Republicans to defeat the bill. Sen. Mark Prior (D-AR))voted for the bill and again failed to support the position of most Arkansans opposed to the programs of President Obama. . . .

But the plan is not dead. Senate leader Harry Reid used a Senate procedure . . . to keep open the option for another vote. He changed his vote to against the plan making the final vote 51-48 which for some stupid reason allows Reid a second bite at the apple.
After voting to move President Barack Obama’s blighted $447 billion jobs bill closer to passage, the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) reissued its call for Sen. Mark Pryor to make public his position on President Barack Obama’s Stimulus 2.0 which raises taxes on America’s job creators.

RPA Communications Director Katherine Vasilos said,
“After voting to enable another failed economic policy of the Obama Administration, today we’re asking Senator Pryor to tell us his position on the President’s plan to raise taxes on American job creators - putting Arkansas’ natural gas jobs at risk.

"Sen. Pryor voted for President Obama’s 2009 failed stimulus bill which is estimated to cost taxpayers $1.17 trillion and did little to stimulate the economy or prevent the nation’s unemployment from rising above 9 percent or Arkansas from reaching a 24-year-high unemployment rate of 8.3 percent.

“Senators Mark Pryor and Harry Reid need to consider the numerous jobs bills already passed by the U.S. House which focus on long-term private sector job growth. As Arkansans face the highest unemployment rate in nearly a generation, it’s irresponsible to threaten our natural gas industry and its workers with job-killing tax hikes. It’s time for Senator Pryor and the Democratic Party of Arkansas to stand with Arkansas’ natural gas workers and oppose the Presidents’ flawed jobs plan.”
Additional Points of Interest:
Senator Pryor Fails To Take Position On Stimulus II
“‘Until more details are available, it’s hard to support or denounce the proposal,’ said Lisa Ackerman, a spokeswoman for Pryor.” (Peter Urban, “State May Get $1 Billion Extra In Obama Plan,” Arkansas News Bureau , 9/13/11)

Obama Calls For Tax Hikes On Oil And Gas Industry
“Still, in calling for sizable tax revenue, Obama gave the congressional joint committee a choice: It could generate $1.5 trillion in new revenues through an overhaul of the tax code, or it could adopt his recommendations, most of them ideas recycled from his previous budget proposals, which were largely ignored by Congress. They include tax increases on high-income families, oil and gas companies and U.S.-based corporations that earn profits overseas.” (Jim Kuhnhenn, “Tax the rich, Obama says’ class warfare, says foes,” AP, 9/19/11)

$1.17 Trillion: Total Cost of First Failed Stimulus With Interest CBO, 8/24/11, CBO, 1/27/09)

Arkansas Unemployment at 8.3 Percent, Highest in 24 Years Bureau of Labor Statistics

Tags: Arkansas, U.S. Senator, Mark Pryor, Obama Stimulus 2.0, Obama supporter To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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