Joe Biden calls these COWS part of the "perfect storm." Liberal democrats and their Union thugs are embracing the COWS. It is time for these COWS, liberal democrats, and union hacks to be removed from both Zucotti Park, Congress and the White House. Whew, THEY STINK!
By Kay Daly, GOPUSA: The odors have been wafting upwind from Zucotti Park and after three weeks of fielding complaints, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has had enough -- it is time to clean the COWS yard.
COWS = Communists on Wall Street.
When you think about it, COWS is a pretty perfect acronym for the barnyard they have turned Zucotti Park into. Cows have that vacant look and a herd mentality. They stand around all day, chewing on grass. They always seem to get in the way of someone who is doing the work on the farm. And they never look up from the trough to see where the food comes from but boy do they expect it to be there. They are COWS.
Can you imagine not cleaning the COWS pen for 3 weeks? The poor owner of the plot of land currently occupied by this rowdy herd of drum beating, guitar-strumming, throwback hippie COWS, Brookfield Properties has been flooded with complaints and it goes way beyond malodorous COWS:
The company told police that it had received “hundreds of phone calls and emails” from locals complaining about "lewdness, groping, drinking and drug use, the lack of safe access to and usage of the Park, ongoing noise at all hours, unsanitary conditions and offensive odors,” NBC New York reports.So it sounds as though the COWS have turned Zucotti Park into one part Woodstock, one part drug fueled, underground rave party, one part "JerseyShore", with a couple of political slogans thrown in for good measure. But they are all passionate about the issues....and stuff.
The cattle drive will begin Friday morning so that the power washing, trash removal, delousing, replanting, etc. can begin. Wouldn't be surprised if they broke out the HAZMAT suits. I'm predicting a full on stampede when the city officials try to move them for the cleaning to begin. COWS will be COWS, after all.
Tags: protesters, COWS, New York City, Zucotti Park, Communists on Wall Street, democrats, union hacks, GOPUSA, Kay Daly To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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