Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Listening to the liberal news media today you would think that Republicans got skunked in last night's off-year elections. While it's true that there were a few high profile losses, the result was more mixed.
Democrats and their big labor allies are crowing about the lop-sided repeal of an Ohio law limiting collective bargaining rights for public sector employees. Voters rejected the law 61% to 39%. But those same Ohio voters passed an initiative rejecting ObamaCare by an even larger margin -- 66% to 34%.
For whatever reason, Ohio Republicans could not close the deal as they did in Wisconsin, where big labor's recall efforts were beaten back. If there is any lesson to be gleaned from the results in Ohio it is probably that voters do not like overreaching by either party. They don't want big government telling them what they must do with their own money. And they don't like it when it appears as though the middle class is bearing the brunt of cost-cutting measures.
While controlling spending is absolutely essential, Republicans, while fighting the unions, cannot be seen as enemies of policemen, firefighters and teachers. These are honorable, necessary professions that employ many good people who are genuine public servants.
In the gubernatorial races, nothing changed. Democrat Steve Beshear was reelected in Kentucky, while the Republican lieutenant governor succeeded Haley Barbour in Mississippi. In Virginia, the GOP picked up six seats in the state House, winning a historic two-thirds majority. It also appears poised to take control of the state Senate. There will be a recount in one race in which the incumbent Democrat is losing by just 86 votes. (Yes, every vote does matter!)
Obama carried Virginia in 2008, but last night's results led the Washington Post to run a story headlined, "Virginia Elections May Be A Warning Sign For Obama." If the results hold, it would mark the third consecutive year in which Democrats took a beating in the Old Dominion, strongly suggesting that Obama's hopes for a repeat win in 2012 are fading fast.
In Mississippi, a ballot initiative to declare that life begins at conception failed by a wide-margin -- 42% to 58%. It was disappointing to see the pro-life cause suffer such a loss in this conservative state. But pro-life groups were divided on the merits of the initiative, and pro-abortion groups spread a lot of misinformation that confused many voters.
In Arizona, State Sen. Russell Pearce, who spearheaded that state's tough anti-illegal immigration law (SB 1070), lost a recall election to a more moderate Republican.
But in western Pennsylvania, Republicans scored a major upset, taking control of the Westmoreland County Commission for the first time since 1956. Democrats there have a 53% to 37% advantage in voter registration, which makes the GOP win all the more surprising, adding to speculation that the Keystone State may not be securely in Obama's column on Election Day 2012.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.
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Yesterday's National Election Results
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