Breaking News
Monday, November 21, 2011

Info Post
OWS and Unions
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Since the protests began, we've been asking, "What is the Occupy Wall Street agenda?" This weekend, the editors of Adbusters magazine, which is credited with starting the movement, published an op-ed in the Washington Post explaining what OWS is all about. So, what is their agenda? Here it is: "This primal cry for democracy sprang from young people who could no longer ignore the angst in their gut -- the premonition that their future does not compute, that their entire lives will be lived in the apocalyptic shadow of climate-change tipping points, species die-offs, a deadening commercialized culture, a political system perverted by money, precarious employment, a struggle to pay off crippling student loans, and no chance of ever owning a home or living in comfort like their parents."So this is what the left has produced. Environmental alarmism has some folks convinced we're on the verge of mass extinction and that our lifestyle is to blame for global warming. How do they explain the fact that the planet was hotter before we had SUVs? How do they explain the warming that has been detected on Mars?

They complain about a political system "perverted by money," but say nothing of union money or George Soros' money. They complain about high unemployment, but do they question the role of big government? No. Sadly, they go on to rail against corporations and job creators.

And exactly who forced them to take out those "crippling student loans"? As for owning a home and living in comfort like their parents, they should learn from their parents, most of whom worked very hard and saved up a long time to buy a home they could afford.

Some on the right have said, "Don't worry. The occupiers will be gone with the first frost." The editors of Adbusters are promising otherwise. Here's how they put it:"The people's assemblies will continue with or without winter encampments. What will be new is the marked escalation of … rush-hour flash mobs, bank occupations, 'occupy squads' and edgy theatrics. …In this visceral, canny, militantly nonviolent phase of our march to real democracy, we will 'float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.' We will regroup, lick our wounds, brainstorm and network all winter. We will build momentum for a full-spectrum counterattack when the crocuses bloom next spring."In other words, they are promising to be more disruptive, making life miserable for even more people. They plan to come back in full-force in the middle of one of the most vicious political campaigns in our history. This is a witch's brew. The Obama reelection effort by itself will bring emotions to the boiling point because Axelrod & Co. have already indicated they are going to run a "slash and burn" campaign.

America is deeply divided. Our nation is at a tipping point. Will we follow Europe down socialism's dead-end road and into bankruptcy? Or will we once again embrace the values that made America the envy of the world? This coming election will likely decide the direction we take. That is why it is so crucial for every conservative to be fully engaged in the weeks and months ahead.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. 

See also:
Restate:#OWS Hijacked: #OccupyCongress Next Steps On Unions’ Agenda
Heritage Foundation: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Steadily Becoming Just Another Big Labor Protest

Tags: OWS, Occupy Wall Street, Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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