Breaking News
Monday, November 28, 2011

Info Post
Threats to Internet Free Speech
by E.D. Kain, Forbes: Two bills are moving through the Senate and the House at the moment, aimed at creating a host of new controls and regulations over the internet, and threatening to change the way everybody does business and interacts online.

SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, is the House’s attempt to severely censor the internet ostensibly in order to clamp down on piracy. The companion bill in the Senate is the Protect IP Act. The two bills create an armada of new regulations that help big corporations and hurt regular people, start-ups, and clamp down on innovation.

In the Senate, Democratic senator Patrick Leahy is leading the push to pass Protect IP. In the House, Republican congressman Lamar Smith is leading the charge for SOPA. Over at the Daily Kos, kos writes:
This bill would’ve been rushed through with no debate through both chambers had it not been for the singular efforts of Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, a true hero of grassroots media and the social web.

Wyden has put a hold on the bill in the Senate, and has promised a full filibuster. Currently, there appear to be 60 votes to overcome that filibuster, but the delaying tactics would tie up the Senate for a full week. And if it doesn’t pass this year, supporters have to start from scratch all over again next year—this time under the full glare of a spotlight.

Wyden is now being joined with Sens. Maria Cantwell of Washington, Jerry Moran of Kansas . . .  and Rand Paul of Kentucky (…).
I agree – Ron Wyden is one of the heroes of the Senate as far as I’m concerned. I’ve been a fan for a long time, and still think that he had the best healthcare plan of the bunch back when that was still news.

On the other side of the aisle, for all of our political disagreements, I think Rand Paul has been a breath of fresh air on many civil liberty issues.. . .  What I want – what I care about – are elected officials who want to stop madness like SOPA, the Patriot Act, and TSA abuses (not to mention things like assassination of US citizens and nation-building.)

The internet, for all its problems, has been an experiment in human ingenuity and creativity. These new bills could stomp on many of the best things about the internet. Free social media, collaboration, freedom of thought and opinion.

Conservative Patrick Ruffini [On the Huffington Post] writes:
The problem with the bill, and its Senate companion, the PROTECT IP Act, is not in its goals: no one disagrees artists should be paid for their work. It’s that it uses illegitimate means — censoring and blocking websites like they do in repressive regimes from China to Iran — to pursue these objectives. Furthermore, each subsequent version of the bill took even more draconian steps to regulate the Internet, effectively leaving any site with a user-contributed content no choice but to pre-screen every posting to comply with the law. Try that with 50 million tweets a day.
If passed, these bills will grow in size and scope with every new layer of bureaucracy and every new cave-in to powerful special interests. Once passed into law, they will be almost impossible to revoke. It’s always easier to make laws than it is to unmake them. For many Americans, the new laws will mean ordinary people will be forced to either break the law or live with a highly regulated, highly censored internet.

Or, as my Forbes colleague Andy Greenberg reported, people will have to take matters into their own hands, like some Reddit users are doing as they draw up plans to build an alternative for a post-SOPA world:
Redditors have flocked over the last week to a new subgroup on they’re calling the Darknet Plan - or sometimes Meshnet, as the name seems to still be in flux – with the aim of building a mesh-based version of the Internet that wouldn’t be subject to the control of any corporation or government, with a focus on anonymity, peer-to-peer architecture and strong resistance to censorship.

In the last few days, about 10,000 users have joined the group, and about 200,000 have visited, according to Chris Bresee, the 17-year old Vermonter who founded the project and goes by the name “Wolfeater” on the site. Bresee, a high school senior, created the Darknet Plan more than a year ago, but he attributes the sudden spike in interest to the Stop Online Piracy Act and the awareness of the possibilities of government censorship that the bill has created: If passed in its current form, SOPA would use Domain Name System filtering to effectively disappear infringing sites from the Internet. “I would say the Darknet Plan is driven almost in its entirety by fear of censorship coming out of Congress,” says Bresee, whose Vermont senator Patrick Leahy introduced the precursor to SOPA known as Protect-IP.”  That’s what’s driven me, and I think that’s what’s driven the other ten thousand users to join.”
That’s the thing about the internet and about human ingenuity more broadly and the power of peer-to-peer interactions. Whether we’re talking about Craigslist or Reddit’s Darknet plan, the power of social collaboration and the disruptive power of the cyber-grassroots is going to be impossible to contain even with SOPA.

But it’s going to make it hard for a lot of people, especially every day people who aren’t cyber-libertarian-hacker types. For many of us, the internet is already confounding enough. . . . Read The Full Article

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