Today in Washington - Nov. 10, 2011:
This week the House is not in session. The Senate however was in session and to sum it up as of this posting, the progressive liberals have run over the rights of Americans.
The Senate on S.J. Res. 27, Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act of the EPA’s cross-state air pollution regulations and then failed to support the resolution (41-56).
The Senate on S.J. Res. 6, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) resolution of disapproval of the FCC’s new net neutrality regulations also failed strictly along party lines (46-52).
As detailed previously, it was critical that the Sneate vote to reject the FCC's unconstitutional take over of the Internet by the FCC using net neutrality. Future Free speech of Americans is now at grave risk. The liberal progressives democrats are seeking to take the road of totalitarian countries to control access to the Internet.
Less Government President and StopNetRegulation.org Editor in Chief Seton Motley issued the following statement in response to today’s failed vote to undo the Barack Obama Administration’s illegal Network Neutrality Internet power grab:
“Today 52 lawmakers decided to give up on making law – and instead allow unelected, unaccountable Obama Administration bureaucrats to illegally do their jobs for them.Robert Romano, Senior Editor, Americans for Limited Government, responded:
“These 52 Senators stood down and allowed regulators – who are only supposed to enforce law that these Senators write and pass – to illegally make up law themselves. This isn’t how a representative Constitutional Republic does things – this is dictatorial authoritarianism. These 52 Senators had an opportunity to stop it – and they refused to do so.
“The Federal Communications Commission has already been once told that their unilateral Net Neutrality imposition is illegal. For these 52 Senators, that – and the fact that they still have never voted on anything having to do with Net Neutrality - apparently wasn’t enough of a visual aide.
“If these 52 Senators don’t want to do their jobs, why did they ask their constituents to give them the honor and opportunity? These egregious mis-representations are easily correctable. And We the People will begin doing so - starting next November.”
“The decision by the Senate not to rescind the FCC’s Net Neutrality regulation is a great disappointment for the American people, who do not want government to have control over the Internet nor Internet providers. Now that the FCC has a foothold, they can expand their umbrella to tell broadband companies under what bases they are allowed to provide Internet service. There never was any proof that broadband companies were suppressing content, but there didn’t need to be for government to step in and take over yet another sector of the economy.
“Regulation is the backdoor to nationalization. Congress never voted to give the FCC the authority to regulate the Internet, they have just taken the power unto themselves. This is the Obama way. It was the same thing with the EPA’s carbon endangerment finding, or the Federal Home Finance Administration’s decision to allow refinancing above 90 percent loan-to-value in 2009 and then above 125 percent loan-to-value last month, or Obama’s call for new student lending standards that weren’t supposed to go into effect until 2014 to take effect immediately. This all goes beyond the scope of congressional intent.”
Elections do matter. It is time to replace the progressive elitists leading our country down the road of more government control of our lives. It is Congress' responsibility to reign in the expansion of government bureaucracy. The FCC had no constitutional authority to regulate the Internet. However under the leadership of the Obama administration and the appointment of people who would support its agenda verses the Constitution, unelected bureaucrats at the FCC voted themselves the authority to control the Internet using net neutrality. Today, the US Senate voted along party line to stop the FCC from this overreach of its authority.
In the future, if this overreach is not somehow reversed, the American people will find their free speech on the Internet limited. Regardless of changes in Government, those in power (extreme left or right) will eventually find the "need to control" the voice of independent minded people who do not agree with their positions and leadership. Although not addressed herein today, regardless of the Constitution, free speech has been limited in the past by government. With the FCC's control of the Internet, limitation of free speech on the Internet will eventually be a future reality.
Tags: Washington, D.C., US Senate, FCC, net neutrality, EPA Rule To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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