While today is aka April Fools day and lots of practical jokes are played, the following images from the past of court jesters, aka fools, h...
March 2012 Porker of the Month: Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow March, 2012 Porker of the Month Citizens Against Government Waste : In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day earlier this m...
Reverends to the Rescue
by A.F. Branco : Tags: Trayvon tragedy, Reverends, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, fuel to the fire, political cartoon, A.F. Branco To share ...
ICYMI: U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Now No. 1 In The World
Japan has just helped the Obama administration reach one of its objectives. The United States will on April 1st (and it's no April Fools...
"Zero Votes" For Obama's Budget
RNC Video Detailing Facts : Last Wednesday, March 28, 2012, The US House voted on President Obama's budget . Democrat and Former Speake...
Operation Hot Mic
American Crossroads launched a new national TV ad: Operation Hot Mic. For more information and questions, read: Flexible Enough - Are The R...
Flexible Enough - Are The Russians Sending A Message To Obama Via His Ambassador?
William Warren : Flexibility for what? In International political intrigue, weakness begets greater threats and deception begets deception....
Americans Remain Frustrationed With President Obama And High Gasoline Prices
Obama's Energy Can Wait Plan Toon by A.F. Branco Today in Washington, D.C. - March 30, 2012: The Supreme Court has ceased hearing oral a...
NC Candidate for Congress Bill Randall Takes Responsible Stand on Florida Tragedy
Bill Randall Bill Smith, Editor: Bill Randall is a conservative Republican candidate running for the North Carolina 13th District seat in ...
Happily Sever After?
Tony Perkins, FRC Washington Update : Less than a mile separates the Supreme Court from America's founding documents at the National Ar...
Democrats' Plan On High Gas Prices: Raise Taxes On Energy Producers
Democrat's Solution To High Gas Prices - Raise Taxes On Producers - Thus Increasing Gas Prices Even MORE! Today in Washington, D.C. - Ma...
Shall We Be Citizens or Subjects?
Before the ink was dry, Jefferson changed "subjects" to "citizens" on the Declaration of Independence draft Pix Via Libr...
Obamacare Town Hall: Sens. John Boozman and Rand Paul
In the following video, we have a "pair-a-docs" taking on questions in a Obamacare Town Hall Featuring Two Senators - Dr. John Bo...
Over 4000 Americans Rally Across The Street From U.S. Supreme Court
Tim Phillips, President, Americans For Prosperity : Yesterday, I looked out at the thousands upon thousands of faces and the sea of “Hands...
SCOTUS, EPA Cap & Tax Rule & Democrat Rips Dems' Energy Tax Bill "For Campaign Purposes"
Cap & Tax Is Back Via EPA Regulations Today in Washington, D.C. - March 28, 2012: SCOTUS: The Supreme Court continues its hearings on Ob...
"Individual Mandate: Obama v. Obama"
American Crossroads launched a new national TV ad. It addresses that "Obama was right on the individual mandate ... before he was wro...
Conspiring with Russia
by Ken Blackwell, Contributing Author : Wouldn’t you like to have been in the White House Situation Room when the president decided to t...
The Free Ride Isn’t Free
Toon by A.F. "Tony" Branco Yes indeed, "Government control over every aspect of your life." Quoting President Obama, ...
Conservative House Republican Study Committee Unveiles “Cut, Cap, and Balance” FY 2013 Budget
Dr. Bill Smith, Editor: As identified in prior articles, I support the "Cut, Cap and Balance strategy proposed by House Republican Stu...