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Since the POTUS is not Telepromptering his signature Obamacare, we will replay his ShamWow Obamcare message from over 2 yrs ago Toon By Gary Varvel at Townhall on 6/26/09 |
The Senate and House are not in session today; they will reconvene on Monday. Last night, Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) filed cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 2204, Democrats’ latest bill to raise taxes on American energy producers.
Yesterday, the Senate passed (73-26) the bipartisan JOBS Act, as amended. The bill now goes back to that House for its approval. Prior to passage, the Senate voted 64-35 to adopt and amendment from Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) concerning crowdfunding. ALso, the Senate voted 93-6 to invoke cloture on the motion the House amendment to S. 2038, the STOCK Act, prohibiting insider trading in Congress. They then concured by unanimous consent, sending the bill to the president for his signature.
The Senate also voted to confirmed David Nuffer, District of Utah, Ronnie Abrams, District Judge for the Southern District of New York and Rudolph ContrerasUnited States District Judge for the District of Columbia.
Yesterday, the House passed (223-181) H.R. 5, the Protecting Access to Healthcare (PATH) Act, which would repeal a government board tasked with finding Medicare savings, and institute medical tort reform across the country. Several Democrats said they would have supported IPAB repeal because they feared the board could recommend Medicare cuts without having to gauge the opinion of Congress. However they objected to the tort reform language that imposed a nationwide limit of $250,000 in punitive damages in medical lawsuits. IT will now be interesting how or even if the Senate considers this bill.
Today marks two years since the Democrat-controlled Congress jammed through their unpopular health care bill and President Obama signed it into law with a big ceremony. But today, The Wall Street Journal writes, “There’s just one thing missing: Mr. Obama. He isn’t making any public appearances to talk about the law, showing up only in packaged videos like this documentary-style campaign video, which recounts the story of the law’s passage. . . . With the law still unpopular with many Americans, the White House has concluded that it is virtually impossible to change negative public opinions, particularly if Mr. Obama is front and center, a senior administration official said . . . . ‘Barack Obama is not a good spokesman. He actually polarizes the debate,’ said one person close to the White House who supports the health law.”
With the president refusing to speak on the 2nd anniversary of his massive, flawed law, bloggers, the press and of course Republicans are speaking out. In an op-ed for National Review Onlinetoday, GOP Senate Leader McConnellwrites, “On the two-year anniversary of Obamacare, Republicans in Congress are more committed than ever to repealing this unconstitutional law and replacing it with commonsense reforms that put health care back in the hands of individuals and doctors, instead of bureaucrats in Washington. . . . [R]ather than solving the most pressing problems in the old system, Obamacare has made many of these problems far worse. Costs and premiums are rising, Medicare has been weakened, states now struggle to keep pace with even costlier federal mandates, and the economy is being sapped as new mandates dissuade employers from creating new jobs. For these reasons and others, those of us who fought against Obamacare’s passage look forward to making our case before the Supreme Court next week.”
It’s been well established that President Obama’s health care law will increase costs, is resulting in increased health premiums, is “a death sentence” for jobs in many states, has broken every significant promise Democrats and the president made as they initially tried to sell it, and is a huge expansion of government power. Indeed, as identified in an prior ARRA News Service article, beyond the law’s unprecedented and unconstitutional mandate to purchase insurance, it features $390 billion in more government, according to the CBO, over 12,000 pages of new regulations and waivers, more than 1,700 new powers and authorities for the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and 159 new boards, bureaucracies, and programs.
As previously noted in other articles, a recent USA Today/Gallup poll showed that 72 percent of Americans, including most Democrats, believe that Obamacare’s core, a government mandate to buy health insurance, violates the Constitution.
And Politico writes today, “President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies thought their political assumptions were airtight during the yearlong battle to overhaul the health care system. Voters would reward them, they thought, even if Democrats muscled a bill through without Republican support. It was just a matter of getting out of Washington and selling the law. Obama would lead the charge, and rank-and-file Democrats would proudly campaign on the achievement. None of it worked out that way. At the two-year mark Friday, nearly everything that Democrats believed about the politics of health care has turned out to be false. And the ramifications for those miscalculations have been huge. They have haunted Obama’s presidency, soured business as usual at the Capitol and upended the conventional wisdom peddled by political strategists, who have rarely been so wrong about something so big.”
As Leader McConnell writes, “Time and again, the president and his allies have arrogantly presumed that a public that has largely opposed Obamacare from the start would either come to like it or forget about it over time. Their hopes never materialized. . . . . Months after then-speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s now-famous claim that Congress would have to pass Obamacare in order for Americans to find out what was in it . . . . Obamacare has turned out to be even worse than many of us predicted, and the unintended consequences and hidden surprises keep coming. Two years after its passage, Americans have made their views on Obamacare perfectly clear. They don’t like it, they believe it’s unconstitutional, and they want it repealed.”
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