Ken Blackwell, Contributing Author: spoke in Washington, D.C at the Tea Party Patriots rally in Washington, D.C. Thousand's of Tea Party Patriots from across the country gathered for a rally near the U.S. Supreme Court Saturday to demand the unconstitutional government healthcare law be struck down by the court as they hear arguments on Obamacare this week.
Government run health care is the best example of everything wrong with the federal government.It is financially reckless. No one knows what it will ultimately cost - or where the money will come from.
Additionally, ObamaCare will grow the federal government into every aspect of our lives. It will grow government into a massive bloated bureaucracy making health care decisions that directly affect you. In fact, the federal government must hire more than 17,000 IRS agents to enforce the law. Time to Repeal Obamacare (
In less than 2 minutes, Former Ambassador Ken Blackwell summed up the "clear and present danger." [Video Source]
Tags: Ken Blackwell, Health Care, Obamacare, President Obama, Tea Party Patriots, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Congress, Repeal Obamacare To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Blackwell: "Clear and Present Danger"
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