Breaking News
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Info Post
The Ozark Tea Party is the largest Tea Party in the first congressional district of Arkansas and one of the largest groups in Arkansas. They have an active group of conservatives and have hosted rallies with over 2,500 people in attendance. Congressman Rick Crawford and numerous national and state dignitaries and radio celebrities have traveled to Baxter County, Arkansas to participate in Ozark TEA Party events.  They released the following press release today.

Ozark TEA Party Press Release:
From: The Ozark Tea Party,
Contact: Richard Caster or Larry McQuatters
(870)-404-6664 – Richard
(870)-321-7705 - Larry

Richard Caster Addresses
1st Ozark Tea Party, April 2009
(Baxter County, AR) The Ozark Tea Party, founded in 2009, bases itself in traditional conservative principles. Simply put, we believe in freedom. We believe that to achieve our nation’s potential we must unleash the American entrepreneur by limiting government power and spending. In 2010 we fought for and elected political leaders who we believed shared these same basic principles. Unfortunately, self proclaimed conservative Congressman Rick Crawford proved us wrong with his proposal of the Shared Responsibility in Preserving America’s Future Act.

The Ozark Tea Party strongly opposes Congressman Crawford’s plan to increase taxes on America’s job creators. The Wall Street Journal reminds us that “the top 1% of earners in America pay about 40% of the nation’s federal income taxes.” This leaves us with one question for Congressman Crawford, how much should they pay?

Our country is in the greatest economic turmoil since the great depression. Our economy is struggling and our people need jobs. Instead of punishing job creators, we must lower taxes and regulations on them. We are here to remind Congressman Crawford the same thing that Ronald Reagan told the American people so long ago, government isn’t the answer to our problems, government is the problem!

The Ozark Tea Party strongly urges Congressman Rick Crawford to withdraw his support for this progressive and job killing tax increase. Rather, he should work to shrink the size of our unsustainable federal government bureaucracy.

We applaud Congressman Crawford’s efforts to put a balanced budget amendment in the United States Constitution. However, this new plan goes against our principles of supporting American capitalism, lower taxes and smaller government.

We will continue to fight the liberal idea of larger government, less freedom and more bureaucracy no matter what party name it hides behind.
Prior Related Articles:
Congressman Rick Crawford Responds to ARRA News Service
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Republican Rick Crawford To Propose Millionaire's Tax

Tags: Arkansas, Baxter County, Millionaires Tax, Ozark TEA Party, Richard Caster, Larry McQuatters, proposed bill, Congressman Rick Crawford, taxes, TEA Party To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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