AF "Tony Branco : Tags: Barack Obama, spikinhg the ball, Osama Bin Laden, Mitt Romney, the economy, AF Branco, political cartoon To s...
Region 6 EPA administrator Al Armednariz resigned
EPA Region 6 Director Al Armendariz on video advocating abusing businesses and people using the Roman crucifixion approach Today, Region 6 E...
Entitlement Spending Will Nearly Double by 2050
by Alison Meyer, Harrison Investigates : President Obama has called Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget “ an attempt to impose a radical vision on our c...
Enough Talk, Grow up, Do Your Job!
Bankrupting America : In our latest video for Bankrupting America, we urge you to get involved. Contact your senator at 1-888-760-7997 and l...
Remarks on CyberSecurity and More Bad News From Solyndra . . .
. . . Is It Fair For Americans To Pay More For Obama's Failed Energy Policies? Today in Washington, D.C. - April 30, 2012: The Senate an...
Barack Obama's Unfulfilled Promise
Jim Mullen by Jim Mullen, Contributing Author: In the storied history of our nation, in times of crises, the cream of the American populac...
Obama Establishes Political Hit List
Kimberly Strassel, Wall Street Journal : . . . You decide to donate money to Mitt Romney. You want change in the Oval Office, so you engag...
Senate Democrats “Celebrate” - Three Years Without A Budget
by Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon : Sunday, April 29, 2012, is an anniversary unprecedented in the history of American politics, mark...
How Was Your Vacation?
Gary Bauer Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: How many vacations have you taken to Hawaii or Spain in the past three years? What's that -...
Celebrity In Chief And His Record
Readers may wish to comment on meaning or type of presidential record that political cartoonist A.F. Branco was detailing in the below carto...
Who's Out Of Touch??
Clearly, someone who wastes tax dollars like they're worth less is less out of touch than somebody who successfully earned his own fortu...
EPA Roman Crucifixions
Today in Washington, D.C. - April 27, 2011: The Senate is in recess until Monday, May 7, when it will take up 3 district court nominees Yest...
Boozman: Pushback from Family Farmers, Congress Leads to Withdraw of Proposed Farm Child Labor Rule
Bill Smith, Editor: The following was just received and is welcome news. Although the battle is not over to protect the American culture o...
The Secularization of the MLK, Jr.
By Ken Blackwell, Contributing Author : This month at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, the faithful met to worship the...
Crucify Them!
Gary Bauer Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : Since President Obama took office, conservatives, business executives and industry leaders hav...
American Crossroads: "Cool"
American Crossroads: "Cool" : After four years of a celebrity president, is your life any better? Tags: Obama, Barack Obama, Coo...
If I Wanted America To Fail
If I Wanted America To Fail Free Market America : The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it's become an economic suicid...
Democrat Comments On Energy Highlight Obama Admin's Do-Nothing Energy Policy
Update April 30, 2012: Region 6 EPA administrator Al Armednariz resigned today, days after his comments comparing his enforcement philosop...