Jobs Groups Say The Obama Administration’s New Ambush Election Rule ‘Will Hit Small Businesses Particularly Hard,’ ‘Stifle Job Growth’
NLRB ‘Ignoring The Costs’
U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: "… the National Labor Relations Board's final ‘ambush election rule’ imposes unprecedented and sweeping changes to the procedures for conducting workplace elections… blatantly partisan… purpose of this rule is to ensure that employers have no time to talk to their workers about unionizing, and that the only information workers will get will come from the union.” (“Chamber Lawsuit Challenges NLRB's Ambush Election Rule,” National Chamber Litigation Center, Accessed 4/23/12)
· CHAMBER: “…increasing legal and compliance costs, particularly on small employers.” (The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, Letter To Lester Heltzer, NLRB, P.3, 8/22/11)
· CHAMBER: “…entirely ignoring the costs that the proposed rule would have on the majority of employers in the United States…” (The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, Letter To Lester Heltzer, NLRB, P.57, 8/22/11)
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS: “…I am writing in support of S.J.Res. 36, a resolution of disapproval in response to the National Labor Relation Board’s (NLRB) rule related to ‘ambush’ elections… would particularly harm small businesses...” (National Federation Of Independent Business, Letter To Senator Mike Enzi, 2/27/12)
· NFIB: “This shortened time frame will hit small businesses particularly hard…” (National Federation Of Independent Business, Letter To Senator Mike Enzi, 2/27/12)
· NFIB: “…will only create more uncertainty for small business owners at a time when the country needs them to be creating more jobs.” (National Federation Of Independent Business, Letter To Senator Mike Enzi, 2/27/12)
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS: “The ambush election rule is a guaranteed pathway to creating a fractured American workplace. Manufacturers strongly oppose this misguided rule…” (National Associated Of Manufacturers, “Manufacturers Speak Out Against Ambush Election Rule,” Press Release, 12/21/11)
· NAM: “…not in the best interest of workers and raise serious questions as for whom the Board is truly advocating.” (National Associated Of Manufacturers, “Manufacturers Speak Out Against Ambush Election Rule,” Press Release, 12/21/11)
ASSOCIATED BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS: “These actions will have negative implications for workers, consumers, businesses and the economy…” (Associated Builders And Contractors, Letter To House Of Representatives, 11/28/11)
· ABC: “What’s most disturbing is that the NLRB continues to move forward with policies and rules that are a political payoff off to Big Labor, yet harm the construction industry and stifle job growth.” (Associated Builders And Contractors, “NLRB Rams Through Changes To Union Elections, Employees Come Out On Losing End,” Press Release, 12/21/11)
INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS: “…contentious and unnecessary...” (Independent Electrical Contractors, “NLRB Passes Final Ruling On Ambush Elections,” Press Release, Accessed 4/23/12)
· IEC: “This new rule circumvents a fair and democratic process for everyone, and does nothing but hinder business and job growth.” Ibid
INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION: “The rule would greatly impair the business community, in particular, the 825,000 franchise establishments in America, which collectively support nearly 18 million jobs or 12 percent of the U.S. private sector workforce…” (International Franchise Association, “IFA Applauds Congressional Challenge To NLRB Ambush Election Rules,” Press Release, 2/16/12)
Tags: NLRB, union, ambush rule, employers, business organizations respondTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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