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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Info Post
Dog Meet Dog
by A.F. "Tony" Branco
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: I can't believe I'm writing about dogs, but for months now the Obama campaign has tried to pigeonhole Mitt Romney as a heartless, out-of-touch elitist. Part of its narrative has focused on how the Romney family once transported their Irish Setter, Seamus, on a family vacation to Canada (in a crate on the roof of the family car.) Oh the horror!

But this isn't a joke. The Obama campaign is attempting to create a Romney "doggate" scandal. Liberals are making Seamus a constant talking point. In fact, one New York Times columnist has written about the dog more than 50 times! Lanny Davis, a well-respected Democrat insider, never misses an opportunity to inject the dog's treatment into an interview.

There is even a website devoted to "Crategate" and a Facebook page with more than 50,000 fans. David Axelrod is tweeting pictures of dogs. Why? Because Americans love their dogs and Obama and his hacks are willing to politicize EVERYTHING.

Well, now the news has broken that 30 years ago as a young boy growing up in Indonesia, Barack Obama, actually dined on dogs! I might be inclined to give the president a pass on this. After all, it's hard to hold him responsible for what he did as a child. But Democrats seriously think they can use the "Seamus scandal" to smear Romney and win votes. Fine. The gloves are off!

At least the Romneys loved their dog so much that they didn't want to put Seamus in a kennel and built a special crate so they could take him with them on the family trip. Now would you rather be the dog on Romney's roof or the dog on Obama's dinner plate? Instead of the bumper sticker, "Mitt is Mean," how about "Barack Bites"? Some bloggers have weighed in and suggested Obama eats "pup tarts" and loves "chicken poodle soup."

Seriously, folks, this story is just one more example of the Obama campaign's attempt to distract you from far more serious issues like the economy, the debt, Obama's foreign policy disasters and his attack on religious liberty and our values.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, presidential campaigns, going to the dogs, Barack Obama, Mitt RomneyTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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