Breaking News
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Info Post
TVC: The Hate Crimes bill, HR 1592, adds “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” “perceived or actual” for special federal protection under the Commerce Clause, is on the fast track and is to be heard in the Crime subcommittee on Tuesday, April 17, voted on Wednesday, April 18 in subcommittee. Then it will probably go to the full Judiciary Committee the next week. It will be used to establish a legal foundation and framework that will eventually be used to investigate, persecute and prosecute YOU, pastors, business owners and anyone whose actions are based upon the truths found in the Bible concerning homosexuality. Gender identity is the code word for cross-dressers, drag queens, she-males, transsexuals, etc. who would be given special protection so that they have more rights than you do.
FRC: As the Senate prepares to debate the "hate crimes" bill, S. 1105, this week, sponsoring Sens. Ted Kennedy (D-MA.) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) have shamelessly renamed the legislation in "honor" of Matthew Shepard, the slain college student whose tragic and brutal murder shocked the country. In doing so, Smith said, "I believe we'll be more successful." Successful or not, this maneuver cannot transform a bad idea into a good law. In 2004, ABC aired an investigative report that, demonstrated that Matthew Shepard's murder--heinous as it was--was not motivated by "hate" after all. The crime actually began as a robbery attempt within a subculture of illegal drug use to which both Shepard and his killers belonged. The Kennedy-Smith bill, S. 1105, would treat "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" (i.e., cross-dressing and sex-change operations) as "protected classes" and make a federal offense out of a local crime because of the offender's opinions alone. While criminal law treats all violent acts equally, "hate crimes" provisions would also punish the accused for any prejudice the government finds they might have toward the victim. Instead of ending discrimination, this bill helps to create a caste system in American society. Any violent crime reflects negatively on us all, and such crimes warrant swift and certain justice. Additional Resources: - Shepard's name on hate crimes bill - Stop Thought Crimes Laws microsite

Tags: FRC, Hate Crime Bill, House, Senate, TVC, US Congress


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