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Monday, April 23, 2007

Info Post
by David Limbaugh: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissenting opinion in Gonzales v. Carhart illustrates the moral depths and quagmires of irrationality to which the political and cultural left in this country have descended. In Carhart, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, a limited congressional ban on partial-birth abortion that was shot down by lower federal courts. What stands out in Ginsburg's opinion is not her condemnatory legal critique of the majority opinion, but her philosophical/political assertions. . . .

Much of Ginsburg's opinion reads like a feminist manifesto straight from the National Organization for Women. One gets the sense that she believes what is really at stake in the abortion debate is not the vindication of "some generalized notion of privacy." No, this is purely and simply a power struggle on behalf of women pursuing their presumably unrealized quest for complete equality. Ginsburg and those of like mind obviously regard any restrictions on abortion as threatening to women. . . . Apparently, . . . an open acknowledgment of the unborn's humanity must not even be permitted because it might somehow reverse their gains. No, we can't allow little details like the life of the unborn to encroach on "the destiny of the woman [to] be shaped … on her own conception of her spiritual imperatives and her place in society." So extreme and inflexible is the Ginsburg position on a woman's right to control her own destiny that she writes, "the notion that the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act furthers any legitimate governmental interest is, quite simply, irrational." . . . [Read More]

Tags: David Limbaugh, partial birth abortion, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Judges


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