Breaking News
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Rep. Marion Berry (D-AR) voted against the Economic Stimulus package and his reasons are incredulous. Remember Marion Berry is the king of legal personal pork. He has coordinated and received millions of dollars in federal farm subsidies for himself, family and friends. All these dollars have added to the National debt. But, Berry saw no problems when it was for his personal gain.

Now that the bipartisan effort in the US House and Senate passed an economic stimulus package to refund money to taxpaying citizens and others, Marion Berry objected. KAIT reported that:
Arkansas congressman Marion Berry voted against the economic stimulus bill that recently passed both the House, the Senate and the White House and he says he did it because of where the money is coming from and who gets left out.

Berry says those on social security and disabled veterans were left out of the original plan but even the revised version doesn't cut it for him. He says even though those on social security and disabled veterans are getting half of the standard amount, it still isn't good enough.

Another big reason cited as to why Congressman Berry voted nay is where the money is coming from. He says he voted "no" also because the money is borrowed. The package will issue $180 billion dollars in refunds to taxpayers this spring. The government is encouraging individuals to "spend" rather than "save" in order to help stimulate business.
We believe Rep Berry "doest protest to much." He doesn't mind it when the money goes in his pocket or at least into the pocket of his key supporters but he objects to his constituents receiving refunds. The bill passed the US House by a vote of 380-34. All of the rest of the Arkansas delegation voted for the bill. Marion Berry was one of only 6 Democrats voting against the bill in the US House. Berry has never been a real supporter of the "little guy" even though he has pulled the "wool over the eyes" of the voters while chuckling all the way to his personal bank accounts. He is a would be plantation master forced to accommodate and tolerate the voter to achieve his ends. We can only hope that someday soon his days in Congress and fleecing the public will finally end.

Tags: Arkansas, Bill Smith, economic stimulus, Marion Berry, pork-barrel spenders, Representative, US House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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