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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Congress' Approval Rating Tied the Lowest in Gallup Records. In layman's terms, it's time for voters to flush the congressional toilet! According to the new Gallup poll released yesterday:
Approval of Congress has dipped below 20% for only the fourth time in the 34 years. Gallup has asked Americans to rate the job Congress is doing. Today's 18% score, based on a May 8-11 Gallup Poll, matches the record lows Gallup recorded in August 2007 and March 1992. Congressional approval started off the year at a depressed 23%, then dipped to 21% in March and 20% in April, before reaching the current record-tying low. The 76% currently disapproving of Congress is just shy of the record-high 78% in March 1992.

Democrats Not Backing Congress One reason Congress is doing so poorly in the court of public opinion is that rank-and-file Democrats are providing no support cushion for the Democratic-controlled institution. In fact, Democrats are about as likely to approve of Congress as are Republicans: 20% of Republicans approve, versus 16% of Democrats.

Not only is that true today, but it has been the pattern in Gallup's monthly approval ratings of Congress since December 2007. Prior to that -- for the first 10 months of the new Democratic majority in Congress -- Democrats tended to express slightly higher approval than Republicans, averaging seven points higher. However, by contrast, during most of the Republican-led Congress from 2000 to 2006, Republicans' approval of Congress was substantially higher than Democrats'.
The ratings of the Democrats is in the toilet (18% is only 18 points from ZERO and 82 points from 100%). By all known reporting system, this is a progressive failing grade and a grade of F isn't even low enough. Expulsion is the only answer!

Unbelievably, voters this week elected more Democrats the Congress. Some argued that they were voting for "conservative southern democrats" and expected that these people will somehow help fix the problem. In the past, the Republicans had their time in the toilet and they were flushed. But, for some reason people are at present being easier on the Democrats. The Democrat leadership problem is not going to change if voters keep sending more democrats to Congress.

The proof is in the recent actions by Blue Dog Democrats (alleged fiscal conservatives or national security conservatives). In the last two weeks these "conservative democrats" sold out the American public and supported their fellow democrats in return for either pork or in return for a promised tax increase on small business to cover the increased congressional pork. It is getting very noisy and smelly at the congressional feed trough right now. And, it isn't the Republicans feeding. It's the Democrat porkers who can't get enough of your or your neighbor's money. The porkers need your money for their their personal interests (like farm subsidies, buildings named after them, pet projects, etc) or to "buy your future vote." The present Democrat Congressional leadership sees the American voters as a easily bought with Federal tax funded grants for local projects and interests, with expanding tax funded subsidies to more people, with promises to penalize the both rich and greedy businesses, and with lots of" pie in the sky" rhetoric.

Imagine if the Democrats are proved right and American voters allow the Democrats to secure control of all three branches of government. The Congressional Porkers will bankrupt American for their own personal interests. And with regard to that expected help from newly elected blue dog democrats, don't hold your breath, The Democrat leadership will tear apart any uncooperative blue dog democrats and will ignore the others until they come willingly begging for a favor or support. The only solution -- it is time again for voters to flush the Congressional toilet!

Tags: Blue Dogs, Congressional Pork, Democrat leadership, Democrats, Gallup Poll, job approval, pork, U.S. House, US Congress, US Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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