Breaking News
Friday, May 23, 2008

Info Post
American Solutions launched a campaign called Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. to help Americans who are hurting at the pump.

As gas prices continue to increase, Congress continues to blame others while ignoring practical steps to stop the pain Americans are feeling at the pump. To reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need real solutions to our energy challenges. While Congress continues to ignore our energy challenges, we are putting forth this simple solution to help lower gas prices: start drilling for oil domestically.

Background - Just the facts...
  • The average price for a gallon of gas is now $3.72, this is $.61 higher than a year ago.

  • The U.S. Congress has acted, but in the wrong direction. Last week, the Senate voted narrowly against reversing a moratorium on oil-shale development.

  • Federal officials and industry experts estimate that up to 1.8 trillion barrels of oil is trapped in the region's oil shale, or three times the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia.

  • Laws and policies that restrict access to America’s abundant energy drive up the price of fuel and electricity. They cause widespread layoffs and leave workers and families struggling to survive, as the cost of everything they eat, drive, wear and do spirals higher.

  • Research from the Platform of the American People

    73% of the American people agree that with appropriate safeguards to protect the environment, we should drill for oil off America's coasts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. . . . [Read More]

    Tags: American Solutions, domestic drilling, drilling, gas prices To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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