Breaking News
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Info Post
Roy Besk, NumbersUSA: CONGRATULATIONS! The AgJOBS amnesty has been stripped from the Iraq Supplemental bill. Here's more good news: the employment-based permanent workers have been stripped from the bill too! Apparently Senate Majority Leader Reid and other Senators were starting to fear a prolonged fight over the immigration provisions, similar to the Senate fight last summer over the "comprehensive" immigration bill. In order to avoid that, Senator Reid stripped the AgJOBS amnesty and employment-based permanent increases from the bill.

Unfortunately, Reid has left in the Iraq Supplemental bill another giant increase of UNSKILLED imported seasonal guest workers (H-2B Visa), from 66,000 to over 400,000 annually by 2011! Think about what an additional 334,000 unskilled foreign workers will mean to our communities! We need to stop this the H-2B low-skill worker increase so please keep phoning your Senators throughout the day and ask them to strip the H-2B increase from the Iraq Supplemental spending bill. During your call, you may also want to express how pleased you were to learn that the amnesty and employment-based permanent workers were stripped from the bill. 202-224-3121.

Tags: AgJobs, amnesty, H-2B visa, NumbersUSA, Roy Beck To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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