Breaking News
Monday, November 17, 2008

Info Post
Thanks NewsGuy at The Right Perspective for pointing us to the New York Post story that the "Reverend" "race-hustling, poverty-pimp Al Sharpton has been slapped by the Federal Elections Commission with nearly $500,000 in fines for jumbling expenses from his private businesses with those for his failed 2004 US presidential campaign."
An exhaustive audit of Sharpton's American Express charges between 2002 and 2004 - a time when he lived lavishly in top hotels while crisscrossing the country - found a hodgepodge of sloppy record-keeping and dubious expenses. Investigators say Sharpton jumbled personal expenses with his private businesses, his National Action Network and his Sharpton 2004 campaign in violation of strict campaign-finance rules - a civil infraction. . . . In all, he owes $497,803, the FEC ruled.

"It is the opinion of the audit staff that the candidate used funds raised by NAN to promote his presidential campaign," they said. Sharpton - who settled with the IRS earlier this year over millions in back taxes - had long feuded with the FEC since it demanded in 2004 that he return $100,000 in federal matching funds for his presidential campaign. Auditors said the amount of improper financing could be as high as $735,314, but because of shoddy records, they could substantiate only $486,803. . . .

Tags: Al Sharpton, FEC, Federal Election Commission To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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