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Friday, June 3, 2011

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Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: 2012 Update
  • Mark your calendars! Seven candidates have agreed to participate in a presidential debate in New Hampshire on Monday, June 13th. The participating candidates are: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Ron Paul, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Rick Santorum. Rudy Giuliani, Jon Huntsman and Gov. Sarah Palin declined to participate.
  • In an interview with Newsmax, Herman Cain blasted Barack Obama's leadership ability, saying, "The president has demonstrated that he lacks leadership in a whole lot of ways [and] could not run a company. And I don't mean to be disrespectful: He could not run one Godfather's pizza restaurant."
  • Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards was indicted today on charges of making false statements, receiving illegal campaign contributions and conspiracy. The charges stem from allegations that the former Democrat vice presidential nominee and two-time presidential candidate used nearly $1 million in campaign donations to support his mistress.

    Why have I included this news about Edwards in the 2012 update? I can't tell you how many reporters over the years told me that Edwards was sleazy. But none of them ever dared to print what they knew about the liberal candidate many saw as the next JFK. The professional "journalists" left it to a tabloid to report the truth.

    Do you remember the New York Times breaking the news of John McCain's alleged affair with a lobbyist? There was no proof, and the Times eventually settled a defamation lawsuit out of court. But it did not hesitate to smear the GOP nominee. In other words, the "mainstream" media will cover up for the left and lie about conservatives. Expect to see more such "journalism" in the days and weeks ahead.
  • In the past few weeks, I have received messages from despondent conservatives regarding a column allegedly written by popular conservative columnist Dr. Walter Williams. It explains why Barack Obama will be reelected in 2012 "no matter what."

    I have tremendous respect for Dr. Williams, as do many conservatives. That's why I am pleased to report that Dr. Williams did not write it. The column was an April Fool's Day hoax that has unfortunately snared many good people.

    As you will read below, Obama is beatable. But 2012 will very likely be a base election, meaning whichever side turns out more of its base wins. I guarantee that you will see more hoaxes like the Williams column or distorted and false media reports trying to demoralize conservatives between now and Election Day.

    Don't fall for the left's psychological warfare. Please ask us before you forward or share anything like the fake Williams column that is intended to demoralize conservative voters!
Devastating Jobs Report Jaws dropped all over Washington this morning when the Labor Department released its official employment figures for May: Just 54,000 new jobs were created last month, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1%. Economists had predicted gains of 160,000 jobs.

Worse yet, the government revised downward its job creation figures for March and April, so there were actually 40,000 fewer jobs created in those months than previously thought. This is bad news for job seekers, and bad news for America.

But it is potentially devastating news for President Obama. Liberal elites in Washington are in panic mode -- and with good reason. On Wednesday the New York Times sounded the alarm, writing, "No American president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has won a second term in office when the unemployment rate on Election Day topped 7.2 percent."

President Obama will no doubt blame the current state of the economy on George W. Bush. But Obama has been president for 864 days now, and it is hard to think of a single day of good economic news since Obama took office.

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.6%. Obama's stimulus bill was supposed to prevent the unemployment rate from exceeding 8%. We can see how well that has turned out.

Defeating an incumbent president is never easy. But do not despair, my friends. It is very difficult to make the case that Obama deserves reelection when his campaign cannot point to a single good day for the economy during his presidency. Everything he has done has failed.

Personnel Is Policy There is an old saying in Washington: "Personnel is policy." One explanation for why the economy is struggling is to look at the people Obama has appointed and the philosophy they bring with them into government. Consider the president's pick this week for Commerce Secretary, John Bryson.

Bryson is a co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, a radical left-wing environmental group, and a big believer in Big Government mandates. Last year, he told an audience at the University of California at Berkeley, "Greenhouse gas legislation, either with a tax or with cap and trade … has the advantage of politically sort of hiding the fact that you have a tax -- but that's what you're trying to do." By the way, Obama's cap and trade bill would have amounted to a tax of nearly $1,800 a year on every American family.

But there's an even better way than taxes to get results. According to Bryson, government mandates force businesses to act immediately, rather than waiting for "market signals."

It is very telling with gas prices near record highs that Obama would appoint a radical environmentalist as Commerce Secretary. This may increase your pain at the pump.

But there's more. Several weeks ago, I provided a link to a video of Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), one of CWF's endorsed House freshmen, desperately trying to get a straight answer out of a top EPA official as to whether his agency even considers jobs when it conducts an economic analysis. Now we know why the EPA administrator was so evasive.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), another of our endorsed House freshmen, got a letter this week from the EPA claiming that it "is prohibited from considering costs" when it sets regulatory policies.

Wait a minute… Didn't President Obama issue an executive order requiring federal agencies to reevaluate anti-business regulations? If Obama were really concerned about job-killing regulations, he would not appoint someone like Bryson to be Secretary of Commerce! . . . [More Info]
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, 2012 campaign, candidates, potential candidates GOP, jobs, jobs Report, personnel, policy, Obama administration To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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