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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: We have noted the rise of Rep. Michelle Bachmann over the last two years. In November, 2009, we posted a story by Ellen Sauerbrey, former Assistant Secretary of State discussing Michele Bachmann as being a "Rising GOP Star." In her article, Sauerbrey called Bachmann, "principled, savvy, articulate,d beautiful, outspoken, media-savvy, conservative, and feisty." All of which have proven to be true.

In Dec, 2009, we noted "Michele Bachmann - Rare GOP Lovable Little Fuzz Ball" and quoted from an article by by Kathleen Hennessey: "In less than eight minutes, the Minnesota congresswoman told the cheering crowd of conservative activists that the Democratic healthcare bill isn't just bad policy -- it's unconstitutional. She invoked Tennyson's "The Charge of the Light Brigade," though it memorializes a suicide mission. She dissed the United Nations, recalled Elian Gonzalez's journey from Cuba, and offered this holiday greeting: "That is our wish for fellow citizens here in the United States -- for freedom, not for government enslavement!" The crowd roared."

In July, 2010, Bachmann proclaimed:  "Obama is a one-term president!"

That statement did not set well with the Democratic machine. They then set out to stop Bachmann from being re-elected.  And the instrument they chose was former President Bill Clinton.   In an editorial in October 2010, I noted:
"One conservative woman who is not taking any of his guff from Bill Clinton is Rep. Michele Bachmann. Bachmann been targeted by the DNC and the Obama administration as the woman they would most like to see defeated in the 2010 election. While hosting a fundraiser for my Tarryl Clark, Bill Clinton attacked Bachmann calling her and other Tea Party activists 'stupid' and accusing her of "putting ideology over evidence." Michelle Bachmann responded, 'I am proud of my record and I refuse to be bullied into silence by Bill Clinton and other Democrats who attack our [the people's] shared values.' . . .

A new waive of principled conservative women are literally scaring the heck out of the liberals in Washington. In the forefront is Rep. Michelle Bachmann who will not lay down her principles for anyone including Bill Clinton. She has proven her ability to lend her voice to "We the People" whom Clinton calls "stupid." She has also proven to be an excellent representative for her district. I hope her constituents in Minnesota will not be fooled by either Clinton or Obama. We need Bachmann's voice back in Congress. She was part of a handful of people how stood boldly in doing things differently in Congress and in openly opposing the Pelosi and Reid agenda.

We need Michele Bachmann to be part of the new Republican controlled U.S. House who shows Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the door. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have targeted Bachmann. They hate her above many other conservatives because she has opposed their extreme liberal agenda. As expressed above, the liberal elites have proven their vitriol by pulling the "First Black President" out of his Harlem retirement and sending him after her. They will do, say and spend whatever it takes to defeat her.

Bachmann is not going to lay down her principles. She opened the doors of Congress to the American people when Speaker Pelosi refused to listen - especially to the "stupid" citizens despised by Queen Pelosi. Let's send a message to Pelosi, Reid, Obama and yes - Bill Clinton by visiting and supporting Michele Bachmann for U.S. Congress."
And indeed the people of her Minnesota district did just that - they re-elected her and sent her back to Washington. D.C.

Then last year at the Americans For Prosperity Defending the American Dream 2010 Summit, Rep. Michele Bachmann gave a rousing speech. I recall her speech and shared with my wife that Backmann looks and speaks like a potential presidential candidate. She showed both a passion for our country and an understanding of what our country needs. The next day, Bachmann and a few other Congressmen held a TEA Party Caucus listening event on the Washington, D.C. Mall after Glen Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. The people spoke and they listened! It was efforts like these that aided in the election of new conservatives to Congress in November 2010.

Now, fast forward to June 2011. Michelle Bachmann has been re-elected in spite of the efforts of the Democratic machine and has continued to help lead the House TEA Party Caucus and to advance conservative positions. Now, she is one of many declared candidates for the Republican nomination for president. Below is a video of Michele Backmann's "talk" at RightOnline 2011 complements of the RightWing Housewife [YouTube] who blogs at Diary of an Angry Rightwing Housewife.

Tags: Michele Bachmann, speech, Americans For Prosperity, RightOnline, 2011, video, republican, presidential candidate, 2012, Minneapolis, MN To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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