Breaking News
Friday, June 17, 2011

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: Bloggers and activists from both sides of the spectrum from the left (Netroots Nation) and right (RightOnline). The event was sponsored by DCI Group Digital, ePolitics and RightWingNews. Only about 10 conservatives took the plunge and attended the event with about 75 non-conservatives attending. Both yours truly, Bill Smith, and P.L. Booth, Blue Eye View, attended the event. We thought we should blend in so P.L. wore his blue jeans and a union hat and I wore "camo" pants and an army hat. We did gain a lot interest but some were disappointed when they learned that we were conservatives. But with the majority, we had some very interesting discussions.

I was interviewed by a reporter the Huffington Post and they used a couple clips in the final video. Below is a post by Zack Carter and his video. Look for the old guy with the green cap.
Zack Carter, Huffington Post: MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -- Netroots Nation and RightOnline held competing conferences in Minneapolis this week, generating an unusual amount of ideological angst in a city renowned for its aggressively pleasant citizenry.

But one event tried to bring the two political perspectives together: A "Right Meets Left, Left Meets Right Happy Hour" held at a downtown rooftop bar, hosted by a opposing advocacy groups and a D.C. public relations outfit hungry for Republican and Democratic clients alike. As with most conference events, very little was accomplished. But everybody had a pretty good time. Have a look:

Tags: RightOnline, Netroots, Huffington Post, video, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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