Breaking News
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Info Post
“We have the best soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen the world has ever known…but if they don’t have the right type of strategic goals and objectives, the right type of operational goals and direction that then filter down to the tactical level, it’s like a hamster—no matter how much exertion you are putting into that wheel, you are just not going anywhere.” Allen West

In the below speech, West identified four strategic goals he said should be the military’s focus:
Deny the enemy sanctuary.
Cut off the enemy’s flow of men, materials, and resources.
Win the information war.
Reduce the enemy’s sphere of influence.

by Bethany S. Murphy, Heritage Foundation: This week Rep. Allen West (R-FL) addressed a packed crowd at The Heritage Foundation to discuss how the battlefield in the 21st century has necessitated a change in military strategy. The speech was the closing event for Protect America Month, an annual series of events highlighting the importance of funding our military.

The Washington Post immediately posted their coverage of Rep. West’s remarks, noting:
In making the case for increased military spending, West, a retired Army veteran, drew upon several anecdotes from his 22 years of military service, telling the audience that at times, “my friends who were in tank units had to use golf carts to practice tank tactics.”
Watch West’s full speech below.

Tags: Allen West, Florida, Representative. Retired Officer, US Army, Heritage Foundation, National Security and Defense, Protect America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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