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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Info Post
Hat top to Election 2008, presidential candidate, Republican, Ron PaulCALIFORNIA YANKEE for the following: Highlight of Tuesday's Des Moines Register Republican Debate was when Fred Thompson led a rebellion against the moderators hand show game.
At a post-debate campaign stop, Republican candidate Fred Thompson explained his reason for refusing to answer a debate question by a show of hands, calling it "monkey business:"

"I just decided that I wasn't going to engage in any of this monkey business that they like to engage us on sometimes -- making us look like trained monkeys reaching for peanut or something ... 30 seconds is brief enough and when they try to reduce your answer to just a hand raise -- I 'aint going to play that game," the former Tennessee senator said.
Candidates have run into difficulties when they have gone along with a moderator's request for a show of hands regarding a complicated question.

Hat tip to Pheisty Blog who posted this excelelnt observation: What kind of question is that to ask grown men? Raise their hands? And then not allow them to talk about their stance on an issue as controversial as human-induced global warming? I think moderator Carolyn Washburn ( of the Des Moines Register) mistakenly identified the stage of a presidential debate for the set of The Big Comfy Couch.

Tags: debate, Election 2008, Fred Thompson, global warming, Iowa, presidential candidate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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