Breaking News
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Info Post
Hat Tip to John Anderson, The Citizen's Journal for the following story. Although the related links and information are damaging we can only "hope" that Huckabee has used better judgement.
Huckabee accepted large sums of money from pharmaceutical company engaged in embryonic stem cell research as "consulting fees"
***** NewsBusters - MSM Ignoring Story on Huckabee Accepting Stem Cell Money
***** Mike Huckabee - "I believe it is wrong to create human life for the sole purpose of research.
"***** Glenn Reynolds - "I've got no problem with taking speaking fees from stem-cell research companies -- but it contradicts Huckabee's positions, doesn't it?
"***** "this report that Novo Nordisk -- the stem-cell company -- distributed 35,000 copies of Huckabee's book, translated into Spanish, for free. No word what Huckabee was paid; possibly nothing, possibly a lot. No doubt people will be asking the campaign about it." - Glenn Reynolds
***** Huck Accepted Large Sum from Company Engaging in Embryonic Stem Cell Research - American Pundit.
***** Mike Huckabee Another Bill Clinton?

Another Huckabee flip flop. They are supposedly researching a cure for diabetes. More inconsistencies and half truths from another man from Hope.This from Bob Krumm, "On April 13, 2007 Mike Huckabee was interviewed by the Des Moines Register. Among the questions was one about stem cells. In response Huckabee said that “I don’t think that the only avenue to curing cancer and heart disease and diabetes and some of the horrible things that inflict Americans is that we have to destroy life in order to create it.” That’s not an absolute denunciation of embryonic stem cell research*, but the “destroy life” phraseology certainly gave the impression to social conservatives that he is against it.Interestingly, just one month later Mike Huckabee produced his financial disclosure statement indicating that he had been paid a $17,500 consulting fee by a leading pharmaceutical company engaged in embryonic stem cell research to find a treatment for diabetes.Obviously, this is a problem for some social conservatives. To others it is an example of the hypocrisy of Huckabee. And to all, that financial statement should raise other alarms.In addition to the payments from Novo Nordisk, Mike Huckabee took a third of a million , much of it from organizations with governmental interests, even while he was Governor of Arkansas. Included in that is a salary from Flagship Global Health. Mike Huckabee served on their board of directors, during the last year and a half of his term as Governor of Arkansas, and is still serving in that capacity."

Can we get a comment from the Huckabee campaign on this ? I'd like to hear his Clintonian answer on this one. John Anderson

Tags: Election 2008, embryonic stem cell, killing human embryos, Mike Huckabee, stem cell research, stem cells To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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