Breaking News
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Info Post
by Dr. Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The Daily Kos is seeking to defeat Rep John Boozman, Arkansas 3rd District U.S. Congressman. Rep. Boozman has done an excellent job as Congressman and has served both Arkansas and the 3rd District, principally a Republican district, effectively.

To initiate the controversy, Daily Kos posted an article by Democrat Drew Pritt addressing his brother Sgt Dave Pritt possible run for office. As both a former military SSgt and retired officer (Major, USAF), I commend Sgt Dave Pritt current service in Iraq. However, brother Drew presents the usual liberal tirade claiming there will be "attack pages or mercilessly talk about you on the blogs and lie....lie....lie. I also know the Republicans play dirty....dirtier than a pig....there's even a book out by a Republican operative entitled HOW TO RIG ELECTIONS." Now who is the one doing the attacks.

Even though Rep. John Boozman has supported funding and support for our troops in the fields, worked for improved veteran's benefits, addressed concerns on the war against international terrorism, and supported securing our borders (definitely not a Bush-Cheney agenda item), Drew Pritt attacks Rep. Boozman as "one of the Bush-Cheney Administration's biggest rubber stamps." Boozman currently serves on three House committees: Veterans Affairs, Transportation & Infrastructure and Foreign Affairs. In the 109th Congress, he was appointed Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Economic Opportunity Subcommittee which focuses on ensuring veterans have a smooth transition to civilian life. In the 110th Congress, Boozman returned as a leader of the subcommittee, this time as the groups ranking member. These are not positions that would fall to a junior member of Congress. Drew admits he has run for many offices -- and lost! In his comments, he is letting his liberal bias taint his brother's potential run for office. His rhetoric may be one of the reasons, he lost his own party nomination in the past. If he continues, he will definitely assist Boozman on to another victory and return to Congress.

I am pleased, Drew is proud of his brother's military service in Iraq (unusual for most anti-war liberals). Sergeants perform tasks and direct the troops under them per the orders of the senior sergeants and officers. Service as an enlisted person is not a qualification for Congress especially for one returning directly from the battle field. Rep. (Dr.) John Boozman has already exhibited proven leadership representing Arkansas. Unlike, Drew Pritt who apparently does not wish well for Representative John Boozman re-election, I wish Sergeant Dave Pritt both a safe return to his family and an easy re-introduction to his community (Something Rep. Boozman has already worked diligently to support).

Tags: Arkansas, DailyKos, John Boozman, liberals, US Congress, veterans


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