"Second String Republicans": . . . Mature candidates don't fall into the same old traps and don't make the same mistakes made before. We are seeing a lot of this right now. . . . Mike Huckabee latest salvo against President Bush shows his lack of maturity. First of all, a freebie to Mike: President Bush isn't on the ballot. Let it go. Bashing Bush may make for premium media attention, as most bash him privately when they're not doing so either on print or on television. But the very issues Mike Huckabee is criticizing are the exact positions he'll be taking when going up against a potential Pelosi-led congress. Just because Mike's last name isn't Bush, doesn't mean she'll ease up on the brother.
Also, Huckabee's comment on religion and Mitt Romney's "well received" speech on the subject is also playing into the liberal bear trap. Why? Besides the "negative attacks" hurled at Obama by Clinton operatives, how many questions have Democrat candidates had to answer in debates on religion? Google "democrats religion" and you won't find any kind of faith-based answer by a Democrat. They have none, thus it's a media manufactured issue. . . . Democrats are asked questions on domestic issues they "champion", while Republicans are made to answer for issues the media deem irritating; unpopular questions about the "faltering" economy, religion, abortion, and the war. Questions designed to put our candidates on the defensive.
. . .Does anyone care about Hillary's religious views? No, because it isn't important. Republicans, like clockwork, get caught up in the family values recitation that sets us up as hypocrites because of the Mark Foleys and Larry Craigs. No Democrat candidate has been asked to seriously address the Congressional Page scandal under their watch, because Democrats don't run on values. They can't. Most of the time, they have none, thus they get the media pass.
. . . But Mike Huckabee has fallen face first in the media's attempt to maintain our dwindling interest, thus it was a dumb move on his part. It shows a lack of vision and discipline. You Republicans are running FOR President of the United States. You are not running against a particular Democrat or liberal policy. You are not running for or against the war. In fact, you are not running for any topic driven by a media that is our enemy. And you are NOT RUNNING AGAINST PRESIDENT BUSH! That should be obvious. As it is not to Mike Huckabee, his electability should be questioned. . . . [Read More]
Tags: Bob Parks, Election 2008, Outside the Wire, presidential candidates, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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