On The Floor: The Senate is OUT TO A LONG LUNCH!! They will reconvene tomorrow at 10 AM Tuesday. They are scheduled to do little under the Democrat leadership. May resume consideration of the FAA reauthorization bill (H.R. 2881). A cloture vote on the Rockefeller substitute amendment is scheduled for on Tuesday afternoon. As previously reported, Harry Reid blocked Republicans from offering amendments. The House has a full plate of generally non-controversial bills such as a resolution celebrating Mother’s Day. Wow, let's debate this one. Some people had bad mothers and in the future, clones ("test tube" democrats) may not have mothers.
From News Sources: As in April, the Democrat leadership continue their same do nothing actions - hoping for a democrat president in January, 2009. Can you believe we pay these people? However, they are squabbling over the supplemental war funding bill behind the scenes. Last week, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) insisted that the supplemental bill would be ready for the House floor this week, but Roll Call reports that plans are still up in the air as Democrats fight amongst themselves. Leadership is butting heads with appropriators who aren’t happy with plans to bypass the committee process, anti-war members are demanding a vote on timetables for withdrawal from Iraq, Blue Dogs want spending offsets, and a large number of Democrats want a chance to load the bill up with domestic projects, despite President Bush’s threat to veto such a bill.
As Democrats bicker, JCS Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen warns Congress that the Pentagon can’t afford to wait on war funds. Democrats initially pledged to have the supplemental bill completed by Memorial Day, but according to Roll Call today, “The competing pressures prompted Reid and . . . Hoyer . . . last week to push back the timetables for the measure, with Reid hinting that it might not get done before Congress leaves town for a one-week recess on May 23. Hoyer said the bill might not come to the House floor this week as previously expected . . . .” Will DOD be forced again to send out pink slips to some employees because Congress did not gotten war funding passed in a timely fashion? National Review Online has the right idea on the supplemental in an editorial today: “Pass It Clean. Pass It Now.”
At home, Americans are most concerned about gas prices. Last week, Senate Republicans introduced the American Energy Production Act to begin to increase domestic energy supplies. Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM), Energy and Natural Resources Committeeman has argued for some time that we’re paying the price for a lack of production in the U.S. The Wall Street Journal echoed “[The bill] has the potential to increase domestic production enough to keep America running for five years with no foreign imports. With the world price of oil at $116 a barrel, if not now, when?”
The Democrtats pending enengy plan appears to be to punish the golden goose who provided our oil from around the globe. They are loudly demanding that oil companies be punished for their profits. Senate Democrats scheduled a press conference for last Friday but postponed it -- another instance where Democrats cannot get their act together. If they want to punish our major industries, imagine their fairy tale antics moving next to punishing Americans for breathing -- you know, letting out all that dangerous carbon dioxide (with an exclusion for Capitol Hill).
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Today in Washington D. C. - May 5, 2008
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