by Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: Back in 2006, liberal activist group ACORN was busted for voter fraud when its Washington State affiliate submitted 1,800 new voter registration forms, 1794 of which were total fakes. Apparently, ACORN workers simply invented Social Security numbers and took names from the phone book in what the Washington Secretary of State called the “worst case of election fraud in our state’s history.”
Last week, the United States Supreme Court ruled that states can require voters to produce photo I.D. before voting. Predictably, ACORN was aghast at the decision, calling it “One more strike against the basic right to vote…that further disenfranchises people of color and low income Americans.” That’s a bold remark given that if photo I.D. requirements had been in effect in Washington State two years ago, ACORN’s fraud scandal would never have happened. It’s also very revealing, since all citizens have photo I.D.s, and the only people who don’t are illegal aliens, who are, by definition, not allowed to vote. The only ones disenfranchised by the photo I.D. requirement are those who should NOT be voting anyway.
Even with the new Supreme Court ruling, this year’s election may be tainted with voter fraud. Women’s Voices Women Vote, a liberal Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit voter outreach group that targets unmarried women is receiving criticism in seven states for possible fraudulent voter registration practices. Mailings and phone calls from the group have confused thousands of primary voters. Arizona’s Secretary of State called the group’s mailings “misleading and deceptive” for suggesting that voters were legally required to send back the enclosed registration forms. And North Carolina voters last week received automated messages from the group informing them to expect a voter registration packet in the mail, nearly two weeks after the mail-in-voter registration deadline for the Tar Heel state’s presidential primary. Women’s Voices Women’s Vote spokespeople say the group is working hard to correct these missteps. But something tells me that in an election that may be the most important in a generation, we have not heard the last of these types of voter fraud scandals.
Tags: ACORN, Arizona, Gary Bauer, North Carolina, photo id, US Supreme Court, voter fraud, Washington To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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