NTI: Iran has built between 5,000 and 6,000 uranium-enriching centrifuges, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday, adding to U.S. and Western concerns that the nation is seeking a nuclear-weapon capability . . . . The announcement could mark a significant expansion of Iran’s uranium enrichment program since May, when the International Atomic Energy Agency said the Islamic state was operating roughly 3,500 centrifuges. The enrichment process has concerned outside powers because it can produce a key nuclear weapon ingredient, but Tehran insists it only wants to fuel its civilian nuclear power program. . . . Iran said in April that it would install 6,000 new centrifuges . . . . The nation ultimately aims to deploy 50,000 centrifuges . . . , although 6,000 of the machines running in unison could produce enough weapon-grade uranium for a bomb in half a year, according to the Times . . . full story
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