Patrick Hennessy, Political Editor, The Telegraph reporting on Brown's struggles said,
The crisis enveloping the Prime Minister overshadowed talks he held yesterday with Barack Obama, the Democratic challenger for the US presidency.From the other side of the world and when the news question focused on someone other than himself, Obama finally speaks truth. It is doubtful that Obama would have admitted that he is popular among large groups of people because he has never "actually" been "in charge" of anything. Even as Senator, Obama avoided issues and sided with his liberal base on almost all situations or skipped or voted present on issues. The Presidency is not the place for Obama to be trained in making tough decisions and to gain experience.
At a news conference, Senator Obama said sympathetically: "You're always more popular before you're actually in charge of things."
Tags: Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, Great Britian, London To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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