Bill Smith, Editor & Convention Delegate: Today, more than 300 Republicans turned out at the Embassy Suites in Little Rock, Arkansas to hear the latest from party leaders and several candidates at the 2008 Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) State Convention. Former Congressman Asa Hutchison and former Governor Mike Huckabee spoke to the convention and rallied their support for Senator John McCain as the next President of the United States. Asa vividly pointed out that "the election this year is not about the election an American idol, but it is about electing an American President. John McCain is that person!"
Huckabee, the main speaker, had just returned from Rwanda where 14 years ago over one million people were by tribal warfare in 100 days. Huckabee reported that Rwanda is now looking to the future with hope rather than looking back in despair. Huckabee addressed Barack Obama trip overseas and said it appears Obama is running for president of the world instead of for president of the United States. He then went on to share about the character and experience of John McCain and reminded the delegates of core principles in the Republican Party.
Huckabee said the importance of the Republican Party is not the "personalities within the Republican Party but the principles of the Republican Party." He then detailed numerous fundamental principles and ideals including the sanctity of human life where every human is important and sacred, traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and the importance of morality and character. He addressed that the least government necessary is the optimum solution, and that Obama'a approach is to expand government regulation, increase taxes and to restrict business and free choice. Huckabee shared about the most basic form of government -- "self government" where each person follows the "golden rule." Thus, there is no need for expanded government. He shared that our country's forefathers expected that we should govern ourselves with morality and decency and we would not need government to control us but to only aid in common areas of defense and commerce.. When they establish the structure of the Federal Government they put in place protections of the people from the government and that these protection remain important today.
Also addressing the convention was Princella Smith, a native Arkansan, who is the chief advocate for the Platform of the American People and working with former Speaker Newt Gingrich at American Solutions, She shared about the current "Drill Here - Drill Now" petition. She detailed an American Solution's survey that found that 87% of Americans want English as the official language of the government; 87% consider referencing to "our Creator" in government documents as being very important; 65% believe the death tax should be abolished; and 83% believe that it is vital to be prepared to survive an attack on the United States to include stronger border control and energy independence with "Drill Here - Drill Now" as a critical part of the immediate solution as we look toward future alternatives.
While speeches were enjoyed by all, the convention completed its business of adopting the RPA 2008 Platform and the Rules of the Republican Party of Arkansas for 2008-2010. The RPA Platform reaffirmed support of pro-life legislation, protection of the 2nd Amendment, lowering taxes, and protection of private property rights, convention delegates considered and affirmed the following changes to the to the 2008 RPA Party Platform: support of a super majority requirement to raise taxes, eliminating the remainder of the sales tax on groceries, greater restrictions on the use of general improvement funds, an increase in the exemption on retirement income from state income tax, reformation of the Grand Jury system that allows voters to petition the Circuit Courts for convening a grand jury, and permitting the Arkansas State Police to be trained in immigration enforcement practices allowed under current Federal law.
In addition the delegates approved the following Electoral College members: Jim Burnett, Reta Hamilton, Governor Mike Huckabee, Phyllis Kincannon, Steve Lux, and Kermit Parks. Also ratified were the State Committeeman and Committeewoman from each Arkansas county. The following Arkansas Republican candidates were also certified by the convention for the upcoming November General Election:
United States Congress
District 3 Congressman John Boozman
Arkansas State Senate
District 1 - Representative Johnny Key
District 3 - Senator Ruth R. Whitaker
District 4 - Senator Sharon Trusty
District 8 - Cecile Bledsoe
District 9 - Senator Kim Hendren
District 30 - Senator Gilbert Baker
Arkansas House of Representatives
District 3 - Evelyn Joyce Bradford
District 15 - Doug Hatcher
District 28 - David McCoy
District 29 - Ann V. Clemmer
District 30 - Rep. Bill Sample
District 31 - Rep. Daniel Greenberg
District 32 - Justice of Peace Allen Kerr
District 34 - Herbert L. Broadway
District 38 - Kelly Eichler
District 41 - Rep. Ed. Garner
District 42 - Jane English
District 43 - Steven Meckfessel
District 45 - Bill Fechtelkotter
District 48 - Davy Carter
District 49 - Jonathan Dismang
District 50 - Alderman Kyle Reeves
District 62 - Terry Rice
District 63 - Rep. Frank Glidewell
District 64 - Stephanie Malone
District 66 - Rep. Rick Green
District 67 - John Van Gorder
District 68 - Andrea Lea
District 70 - Robert E. Dale
District 73 - Chad Moseley
District 81 - Karen Hopper
District 83 - Rep. Beverly Pyle
District 85 - John Burris
District 87 - Rep. Mark Martin
District 89 - Gene Long
District 90 - Rep. Roy Ragland
District 91 - Rep. Bryan B. King
District 93 - Rep. Jon Woods
District 94 - Les "Skip" Carnine
District 95 - Duncan Baird
District 96 - Justice of Peace Debra Hobbs
District 97 - Jonathan Barnett
District 98 - Rep. Donna Hutchinson
District 99 - Justice of peace Tim Summers
District 100 - County Clerk Mary Lou Slinkard
Tags: 2008, American Solutions, Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, convention, John Mccain, Little Rock, Mike Huckabee, platform, Princella Smith, republican candidates, Republican Party of Arkansas, RPA, rules, Bill Smith To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Republican Party of Arkansas Holds State Convention
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