Breaking News
Friday, July 11, 2008

Info Post
The Senate will resume consideration of the housing bill (motion to disagree with House amendment #3 to H.R. 3221). A final procedural vote on the bill is scheduled for 5:20 PM which would return the bill back to the House. After the housing vote, senators will vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to the global AIDS relief bill (S. 2731).

Yesterday the Senate confirmed Gen. David Petraeus to be Commander of U.S. Central Command and Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno to be Commander of Multi-National Forces in Iraq

From Senate & News Sources: A couple of events yesterday showed just how much things have improved in Iraq over the past year. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan became the first Turkish leader to visit Iraq in 20 years, in what the AP described as “a diplomatic victory for a country torn by violence just a year ago.”

The other event occurred here in Washington when the Senate overwhelmingly, and with little debate, confirmed Gen. David Petraeus to be Commander of U.S. Central Command and Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno to be Commander of Multi-National Forces in Iraq. With the undeniable success of the surge and counterinsurgency strategies these commanders implemented, their promotions were almost entirely uncontroversial. It’s quite a contrast from last year, when Democrats were less than kind in their statements about Gen. Petraeus.

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats continued to feel the pressure from their constituents and Republicans to drop their opposition to producing more American energy. There have been some encouraging statements from Senate Democrats, as The Columbus Dispatch notes today. However, The New York Times reports that House Democrats have decided to stick their heads in the sand, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying, “This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax.” Really? Over two-thirds of Americans are calling for “a hoax?”

Clearly, Democrats are out of touch with the American public on increasing domestic energy supplies. In contrast, Senate Republicans are ready to “Find More and Use Less” energy with the Gas Price Reduction Act. All Democrats have to do is let Congress vote on it.

Through all of these debates, whether on energy, Iraq, or Medicare, there has remained one constant, the continuing mismanagement of Congress by Democrats. Slow-walking judges, ping-ponging bills between chambers without conference committees, and political grandstanding in lieu of serious legislating have all been among the hallmarks of this Democrat-controlled Congress. Democrats kept the streak alive this week with House and Senate leaders announcing that they will not move annual appropriations bills this year, one of Congress’ most basic jobs. Is it any wonder that only 9% of people polled by Rasmussen approved of this Congress and its Democrat leadership?
Tags: gas prices, General David Petraeus, Iraq, Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno, oil drilling, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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