Breaking News
Friday, August 1, 2008

Info Post
Congress will leave town today having done exactly nothing to advance serious energy legislation to bring down the price of gasoline. Senate Republicans voted to stay in session both in the House and Senate to address the energy crisis, but Democrats were desperate to get out of Washington and avoid any votes on drilling. Democrats win

The Senate reconvened at 9:30 AM today and resumed consideration of the motion to proceed to the Defense authorization bill (S. 3001). Yesterday, The Senate approved the Consumer Product Safety Commission overhaul (H.R. 4040) and Higher Education Act reauthorization (H.R. 4137) conference reports, which are privileged, and did not displace energy legislation.

Senate Democrats tried one more time to vote to extract themselves from an energy debate, this time by attempting to bring up the Defense authorization bill. But Republicans led in blocking the maneuver. Regardless, at the end of the night, a vote was held on the adjournment resolution (H. Con. Res. 398). While Republicans voted going on vacation, Democrats had enough votes (48-40) to allow Congress to begin its August break next week having not addressed domestic oil drilling.

From Senate & News Sources: Democrats spent the last month blocking and stalling any serious, comprehensive attempts to address high energy and gas prices. The Wall Street Journal has a scathing editorial today, rightly laying the blame for Congressional inaction at the feet of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The Journal writes, “the [Democrats’] leadership won't bend even a bit, and so Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid have spent the summer using every parliamentary deception to evade debating the issue that the American public cares most about.”

Why are Democrats so determined to avoid votes on drilling? The Wall Street Journal posts one explanation: “Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid know that they would lose if a vote ever came to the floor, and they’re desperate to suppress an insurrection among those Democrats who are pragmatic about one of the top economic issues.” Indeed, Roll Call has two stories this morning noting the nervousness of Democrats in both chambers. In the House, “Pelosi (D-Calif.) faces growing pressure from within her Caucus — and especially from some of her freshman Members who are being bombarded on the issue in their districts — to bring offshore drilling to the floor as part of a comprehensive energy package in September.” In the Senate, “Democrats also revealed their nervousness in having to block Republicans from getting votes on amendments intended to spur domestic oil drilling.” The unease over drilling among Senate Democrats prompted Sen. Chuck Schumer to write a letter reminding his colleagues to blame everything on “big oil,” in lieu of accepting drilling. The San Francisco Chronicle was more explicit about Pelosi’s motivations, writing, “She believes a vote [on drilling] would only help the GOP blame Democrats for high gas prices.”

Tags: energy prices, gas prices, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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